Estrategias para fomentar la creatividad en la formación de maestros
Resumen Las directrices europeas, entre las que se encuentra la Agenda 2030, están enfocadas al cambio en la educación con la necesidad de un aprendizaje continuo, la asunción de la responsabilidad personal del propio aprendizaje y la adopción de nuevos enfoques de aprendizaje que preparen a las personas con las competencias pertinentes. Los modelos educativos deben ir encaminados al desarrollo de habilidades blandas como la creatividad. Para el desarrollo de la capacidad creativa se han sugerido diversas estrategias en campos como la ingeniería o la medicina, pero son escasos los estudios centrados en la formación de docentes. El diseño metodológico es cualitativo a través de la búsqueda bibliográfica de artículos relevantes. Este artículo ofrece estrategias [uso de herramientas de pensamiento, aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) y creación de un entorno de aprendizaje propicio a la creatividad] que pueden aplicarse para la potenciación de la creatividad en la formación de maestros. Además, analiza las características del ABP, su ciclo de aprendizaje y los métodos para mejorar su dinámica de grupo. El contenido de los programas de formación de maestros debe estar acorde a las competencias que se espera que, posteriormente, los niños de educación primaria obtengan en los centros educativos.
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AMABILE, T. M. (1996). Creativity in context: update to the social psychology of creativity. Westview Press.
AWANG, H., & RAMLY, I. (2008). Creative thinking skill approach through Problem-Based Learning: pedagogy and practice in the engineering classroom. International Journal of Social Science, 3(1), 18-23.
BAILLE, C. (2006). Developing students’ creativity through creative-thinking techniques. En N. JACK-SON, M. OLIVER, M. SHAW, & J. Wisdom (Eds.), Developing Creativity in Higher Education, An Imaginative Curriculum (pp. 142-155). Routledge.
BEGHETTO, R. A., & KAUFMAN, J. C. (2010). Broadening conceptions of creativity in the classroom. En R. A. BEGHETTO, & J. C. KAUFMAN (Eds.), Nurturing creativity in the classroom (pp. 191-205). Cambridge University Press.
BENEDEK, M., & FINK, A. (2019). Toward a neurocognitive framework of creative cognition: The role of memory, attention, and cognitive control. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 27, 116-122.
BONNARDEL, N., & DIDIER, J. (2020). Brainstorming variants to favor creative design. Applied Ergono-mics, 83. https://http//
BROWN-MARTIN, G. (2017). Education and Fourth Industrial Revolution.
BUZAN, T. (1976). Use both sides of your brain. E. P. Dutton & Co.
CHANG, C. P., HSU, C. T., & CHEN, I. J. (2013). The relationship between the playfulness climate in the classroom and student creativity. Quality and Quantity, 47, 1493-1510.
CHARYTON, C., & MERRILL, J. A. (2009). Assessing general creativity and creative engineering design in first year engineering students. Journal of Engineering Education, 98, 145-156.
COHEN, L. M. (1989). A Continuum of Adaptive Creative Behaviors. Creativity Research Journal, 2, 169-183.
CRAFT, A., JEFFREY, B., & LEIBLING, M. (Eds.). (2001). Creativity in Education. Continuum.
CRESPÍ, P., GARCÍA RAMOS, J. M., & QUEIRUGA-DIOS, M. (2022). Project-Based Learning (PBL) and Its Impact on the Development of Interpersonal Competences in Higher Education. Journal of New Ap-proaches In Educational Research, 11(2), 259-276.
DAHL, D. W., & MOREAU, P. (2002). The influence and value of analogical thinking during new product ideation. Journal of Marketing Research, 39, 47-60.
DAWSON, V. L., ANDREA, T., AFFINITO, R., & WESTBY, E. L. (1999). Predicting creative behavior: a reexamination of the divergence between traditional and teacher-defined concepts of creativity. Creativi-ty Research Journal, 12, 57-66.
DE BONO, E. (1985). Six Thinking Hats: An Essential Approach to Business Management. Little, Brown, and Company.
DE GRAAFF, E., & KOLMOS, A. (Eds.). (2007). Management of change: implementation of Problem-Based and Project-Based Learning in engineering. Sense Publisher.
DOS SANTOS, L. M. (2020). The Application of a Textbook Evaluation Checklist: A Research Study of English as a Foreign Language Textbook. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(9), 3864-3872.
FORBES. (01 DE FEBRERO DE 2018). SEIS FRASES SOBRE LA EDUCACIÓN DEL FUTURO POR JACK MA, fundador de la firma china Alibaba Group. Obtenido de https://
FRUCHTER, R. (2001). Dimensions of teamwork education. International Journal of Engineering Educa-tion, 17(4 y 5), 426-230.
GALLAGHER, S. A. (2015). The role of problem-based learning in developing creative expertise. Asia Paci-fic Education Review, 16(2), 225-235.
GERHARDT, C. E., & GERHARDT, C. M. (2009). Creativity and group dynamics in a Problem-based Lear-ning context. En O. S. Tan (Ed.), Problem-based Learning and Creativity (pp. 109-125). Cengage Lear-ning.
GLAVEANU, V. P. (2010). Paradigms in the study of creativity: introducing the perspective of cultural psychology. New Ideas in Psychology, 28(1), 79-93.
HAAVOLD, P. Ø., & SRIRAMAN, B. (2022). Creativity in problem solving: integrating two different views of insight. ZDM Mathematics Education, 54, 83-96.
HENDRY, G. D., RYAN, G., & HARRIS, J. (2003). Group problems in problem-based learning. Medical Teacher, 25(6), 609-616.
HMELO-SILVER, C. E. (2004). Problem-Based Learning: what and how do students learn? Educational Psychology Review, 16(3), 235-266.
HOFFMANN, O., CROPLEY, D., CROPLEY, A., NGUYEN, L., & SWATMAN, P. (2005). Creativity, re-quirements and perspectives. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 13(1), 159-175.
JOHANSEN, A., MOGSTAD, E., GAJIĆ, B., & BUNGUM, B. (2022). Incorporating creativity in science and mathematics teaching: Teachers’ views on opportunities and challenges. Nordic Studies in Science Educa-tion, 18(1).
JONES, J. C. (1970). Design methods: seeds for human futures. John Wiley.
KAPLAN, D. E. (2019). Creativity in Education: Teaching for Creativity Development. Psychology, 10(2), 140-147.
KAZEROUNIAN, K., & FOLEY, S. (2007). Barriers to creativity in engineering education: a study of ins-tructors and students perceptions. Journal of Mechanical Design, 129, 761-768.
KOKOTSAKI, D., MENZIES, V., & WIGGINS, A. (2016). Project-based learning: A review of the literatu-re. Improving Schools, 19(3), 267-277.
LEIJON, M., GUDMUNDSSON, P., STAAF, P., & CHRISTERSSON, C. (2022). Challenge based learning in higher education – A systematic literature review. Innovations in Education and Teaching Interna-tional, 59(5), 609-618.
LIU, Z., & SCHOENWETTER, D. J. (2004). Teaching creativity in engineering. International Journal of Engineering Creativity, 20(5), 801-808.
MAY, L., NAKATSUHARA, F., LAM, D., & GALACZI, E. (2019). Developing tools for learning oriented assessment of interactional competence: Bridging theory and practice. Language Testing, 37(2), 165-188.
MENTO, A. J., MARTINELLI, P., & JONES, R. M. (1999). Mind mapping in executive education: applica-tions and outcomes. Journal of Management Development, 18, 390-416.
MICHELI, P., WILNER, S. J., BHATTI, S., MURA, M., & BEVERLAND, M. B. (2019). Doing Design Thin-king: Conceptual Review, Synthesis and Research Agenda. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 36, 124-148.
MOIRANO, R., SÁNCHEZ, M. A., & STEPÁNEK, L. (2020). Creative interdisciplinary collaboration: A systematic literature review. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 35, 1-13.
OLIVANT, K. F. (2015). I Am Not a Format: Teachers’ Experiences With Fostering Creativity in the Era of Accountability. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 29(1), 115-129.
OSBORN, A. F. (1953). Applied imagination: principles and procedures of creative problem solving. Scrib-ners.
PANKE, S. (2019). Design Thinking in Education: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges. Open Edu-cation Studies, 1(1), 281-306.
POIKELA, S., VUOSKOSKI, P., & KAERNA, M. (2009). Developing creative learning environment in pro-blem-based learning. En O. S. Tan (Ed.), Problem-based Learning and Creativity (pp. 67-85). Cengage Learning.
PORATH, M., & JORDAN, E. (2009). Problem-Based Learning communities: using the social environment to support creativity. En O. S. Tan (Ed.), Problem-based Learning and Creativity (pp. 51-66). Cengage Learning.
RENDÓN URIBE, M. A. (2009). Creatividad y cerebro: bases neurológicas de la creatividad. Aula: Revista de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Salamanca, 15(1), 117-135.
RITTER, S. M., GU, X., CRIJNS, M., & BIEKENS, P. (2020). Fostering students’ creative thinking skills by means of a one-year creativity training program. PLos ONE, 15(3).
RUNCO, M. A. (2017). Comments on where the creativity research has been and where is it going. Journal of Creative Behavior, 51(4), 308-313. 1002/jocb.189
SAVIN-BADEN, M. (2000). Problem-based learning in higher education: untold stories. Open University Press.
SAWYER, K. (2017). Teaching creativity in art and design studio classes: A systematic literature review. Educational Research Review, 22, 99-113.
SHAO, Y., ZHANG, C., ZHOU, J, GU, T., & YUAN, Y. (2019). How Does Culture Shape Creativity. A Mi-ni-Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.
SHIEH, J. J., REYNOLDS, B. L., & VAN HA, X. (2023). Using a design-based approach to develop a che-cklist for evaluating preservice teacher learning materials. TESOL Journal, 14(2).
SKIBA, T., TAN, M., STERNBERG, R. A., & GRIGORENKO, E. L. (2010). Roads not taken, new roads to take. En R. A. Beghetto, & J. C. Kaufman (Eds.), Nurturing creativity in the classroom (pp. 252-269). Cambridge University Press.
SMITH, G. F. (2005). Problem-based learning: can it improve managerial thinking? Journal of Management Education, 29(2), 357-378.
STERNBERG, R. J. (1999). Handbook of Creativity. Cambridge University Press.
STERNBERG, R. J. (2005). Creativity or creativities? International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 63(4), 370-382.
STERNBERG, R., & LUBART, T. (1997). La creatividad en una cultura conformista. Un desafío a las masas. Paidós.
TAN, O. S., TEO, C. T., & CHYE, S. (2009). Problem and creativity. En O. S. Tan (Ed.), Problem-Based Learning and Creativity (pp. 1-13). Cengage Learning.
TREFFINGER, D. J., ISAKSEN, S. G., & DORVAL, K. B. (2000). Creative problem solving: an introduction. Prufrock Press.
VALE, I., & BARBOSA, A. (2015). Mathematics Creativity in Elementary Teacher Training. Journal of the European Teacher Education Network, 10, 101-109.
VAN KNIPPENBERG, D. L., & HOEVER, I. J. (2017). Team diversity and team creativity: A categorization-elaboration perspective. En R. Reiter-Palmon (Ed.), Team creativity and innovation (pp. 41-60). Oxford University Press.
WATSON, A. D. (2015). Design Thinking for Life. Art Education, 68(3), 12-18.
WIJNIA, L., LOYENS, S. M. M., & RIKERS, R. M. J. P. (2019). The Problem-Based Learning Process. En M. Moallem, W. Hung y N. Dabbagh (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook of Problem-Based Learning (capítulo 12). Wiley. Online Library.
ZAPATA-ROS, M. (2015). Teorías y modelos sobre el aprendizaje en entornos conectados y ubicuos. Bases para un nuevo modelo teórico a partir de una visión crítica del «conectivismo». Education in the Kno-wledge Society (EKS), 16(1), 69-102.
ZHOU, C. (2012): Fostering creative engineers: a key to face the complexity of engineering practice. Euro-pean Journal of Engineering Education, 37(4), 1-12.
ZHOU, C., & KROGH, L. (2019). Developing Successful Group Processes in Interdisciplinary Projects. En A. Tekian. (Ed.), Interdisciplinarity and Problem-Based Learning in Higher Education (pp. 103-116). Aalborg University.
ZHOU, C., NIELSEN, J. D., & KOLMOS, A. (2011). Foster creative engineers by PBL: A case study of stu-dent satellite project (AAUSAT3) at Aalborg University in Denmark, 2011 2nd International Conference on Wireless Communication, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace & Electronic Systems Technology (Wireless VITAE).
AWANG, H., & RAMLY, I. (2008). Creative thinking skill approach through Problem-Based Learning: pedagogy and practice in the engineering classroom. International Journal of Social Science, 3(1), 18-23.
BAILLE, C. (2006). Developing students’ creativity through creative-thinking techniques. En N. JACK-SON, M. OLIVER, M. SHAW, & J. Wisdom (Eds.), Developing Creativity in Higher Education, An Imaginative Curriculum (pp. 142-155). Routledge.
BEGHETTO, R. A., & KAUFMAN, J. C. (2010). Broadening conceptions of creativity in the classroom. En R. A. BEGHETTO, & J. C. KAUFMAN (Eds.), Nurturing creativity in the classroom (pp. 191-205). Cambridge University Press.
BENEDEK, M., & FINK, A. (2019). Toward a neurocognitive framework of creative cognition: The role of memory, attention, and cognitive control. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 27, 116-122.
BONNARDEL, N., & DIDIER, J. (2020). Brainstorming variants to favor creative design. Applied Ergono-mics, 83. https://http//
BROWN-MARTIN, G. (2017). Education and Fourth Industrial Revolution.
BUZAN, T. (1976). Use both sides of your brain. E. P. Dutton & Co.
CHANG, C. P., HSU, C. T., & CHEN, I. J. (2013). The relationship between the playfulness climate in the classroom and student creativity. Quality and Quantity, 47, 1493-1510.
CHARYTON, C., & MERRILL, J. A. (2009). Assessing general creativity and creative engineering design in first year engineering students. Journal of Engineering Education, 98, 145-156.
COHEN, L. M. (1989). A Continuum of Adaptive Creative Behaviors. Creativity Research Journal, 2, 169-183.
CRAFT, A., JEFFREY, B., & LEIBLING, M. (Eds.). (2001). Creativity in Education. Continuum.
CRESPÍ, P., GARCÍA RAMOS, J. M., & QUEIRUGA-DIOS, M. (2022). Project-Based Learning (PBL) and Its Impact on the Development of Interpersonal Competences in Higher Education. Journal of New Ap-proaches In Educational Research, 11(2), 259-276.
DAHL, D. W., & MOREAU, P. (2002). The influence and value of analogical thinking during new product ideation. Journal of Marketing Research, 39, 47-60.
DAWSON, V. L., ANDREA, T., AFFINITO, R., & WESTBY, E. L. (1999). Predicting creative behavior: a reexamination of the divergence between traditional and teacher-defined concepts of creativity. Creativi-ty Research Journal, 12, 57-66.
DE BONO, E. (1985). Six Thinking Hats: An Essential Approach to Business Management. Little, Brown, and Company.
DE GRAAFF, E., & KOLMOS, A. (Eds.). (2007). Management of change: implementation of Problem-Based and Project-Based Learning in engineering. Sense Publisher.
DOS SANTOS, L. M. (2020). The Application of a Textbook Evaluation Checklist: A Research Study of English as a Foreign Language Textbook. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(9), 3864-3872.
FORBES. (01 DE FEBRERO DE 2018). SEIS FRASES SOBRE LA EDUCACIÓN DEL FUTURO POR JACK MA, fundador de la firma china Alibaba Group. Obtenido de https://
FRUCHTER, R. (2001). Dimensions of teamwork education. International Journal of Engineering Educa-tion, 17(4 y 5), 426-230.
GALLAGHER, S. A. (2015). The role of problem-based learning in developing creative expertise. Asia Paci-fic Education Review, 16(2), 225-235.
GERHARDT, C. E., & GERHARDT, C. M. (2009). Creativity and group dynamics in a Problem-based Lear-ning context. En O. S. Tan (Ed.), Problem-based Learning and Creativity (pp. 109-125). Cengage Lear-ning.
GLAVEANU, V. P. (2010). Paradigms in the study of creativity: introducing the perspective of cultural psychology. New Ideas in Psychology, 28(1), 79-93.
HAAVOLD, P. Ø., & SRIRAMAN, B. (2022). Creativity in problem solving: integrating two different views of insight. ZDM Mathematics Education, 54, 83-96.
HENDRY, G. D., RYAN, G., & HARRIS, J. (2003). Group problems in problem-based learning. Medical Teacher, 25(6), 609-616.
HMELO-SILVER, C. E. (2004). Problem-Based Learning: what and how do students learn? Educational Psychology Review, 16(3), 235-266.
HOFFMANN, O., CROPLEY, D., CROPLEY, A., NGUYEN, L., & SWATMAN, P. (2005). Creativity, re-quirements and perspectives. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 13(1), 159-175.
JOHANSEN, A., MOGSTAD, E., GAJIĆ, B., & BUNGUM, B. (2022). Incorporating creativity in science and mathematics teaching: Teachers’ views on opportunities and challenges. Nordic Studies in Science Educa-tion, 18(1).
JONES, J. C. (1970). Design methods: seeds for human futures. John Wiley.
KAPLAN, D. E. (2019). Creativity in Education: Teaching for Creativity Development. Psychology, 10(2), 140-147.
KAZEROUNIAN, K., & FOLEY, S. (2007). Barriers to creativity in engineering education: a study of ins-tructors and students perceptions. Journal of Mechanical Design, 129, 761-768.
KOKOTSAKI, D., MENZIES, V., & WIGGINS, A. (2016). Project-based learning: A review of the literatu-re. Improving Schools, 19(3), 267-277.
LEIJON, M., GUDMUNDSSON, P., STAAF, P., & CHRISTERSSON, C. (2022). Challenge based learning in higher education – A systematic literature review. Innovations in Education and Teaching Interna-tional, 59(5), 609-618.
LIU, Z., & SCHOENWETTER, D. J. (2004). Teaching creativity in engineering. International Journal of Engineering Creativity, 20(5), 801-808.
MAY, L., NAKATSUHARA, F., LAM, D., & GALACZI, E. (2019). Developing tools for learning oriented assessment of interactional competence: Bridging theory and practice. Language Testing, 37(2), 165-188.
MENTO, A. J., MARTINELLI, P., & JONES, R. M. (1999). Mind mapping in executive education: applica-tions and outcomes. Journal of Management Development, 18, 390-416.
MICHELI, P., WILNER, S. J., BHATTI, S., MURA, M., & BEVERLAND, M. B. (2019). Doing Design Thin-king: Conceptual Review, Synthesis and Research Agenda. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 36, 124-148.
MOIRANO, R., SÁNCHEZ, M. A., & STEPÁNEK, L. (2020). Creative interdisciplinary collaboration: A systematic literature review. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 35, 1-13.
OLIVANT, K. F. (2015). I Am Not a Format: Teachers’ Experiences With Fostering Creativity in the Era of Accountability. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 29(1), 115-129.
OSBORN, A. F. (1953). Applied imagination: principles and procedures of creative problem solving. Scrib-ners.
PANKE, S. (2019). Design Thinking in Education: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges. Open Edu-cation Studies, 1(1), 281-306.
POIKELA, S., VUOSKOSKI, P., & KAERNA, M. (2009). Developing creative learning environment in pro-blem-based learning. En O. S. Tan (Ed.), Problem-based Learning and Creativity (pp. 67-85). Cengage Learning.
PORATH, M., & JORDAN, E. (2009). Problem-Based Learning communities: using the social environment to support creativity. En O. S. Tan (Ed.), Problem-based Learning and Creativity (pp. 51-66). Cengage Learning.
RENDÓN URIBE, M. A. (2009). Creatividad y cerebro: bases neurológicas de la creatividad. Aula: Revista de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Salamanca, 15(1), 117-135.
RITTER, S. M., GU, X., CRIJNS, M., & BIEKENS, P. (2020). Fostering students’ creative thinking skills by means of a one-year creativity training program. PLos ONE, 15(3).
RUNCO, M. A. (2017). Comments on where the creativity research has been and where is it going. Journal of Creative Behavior, 51(4), 308-313. 1002/jocb.189
SAVIN-BADEN, M. (2000). Problem-based learning in higher education: untold stories. Open University Press.
SAWYER, K. (2017). Teaching creativity in art and design studio classes: A systematic literature review. Educational Research Review, 22, 99-113.
SHAO, Y., ZHANG, C., ZHOU, J, GU, T., & YUAN, Y. (2019). How Does Culture Shape Creativity. A Mi-ni-Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.
SHIEH, J. J., REYNOLDS, B. L., & VAN HA, X. (2023). Using a design-based approach to develop a che-cklist for evaluating preservice teacher learning materials. TESOL Journal, 14(2).
SKIBA, T., TAN, M., STERNBERG, R. A., & GRIGORENKO, E. L. (2010). Roads not taken, new roads to take. En R. A. Beghetto, & J. C. Kaufman (Eds.), Nurturing creativity in the classroom (pp. 252-269). Cambridge University Press.
SMITH, G. F. (2005). Problem-based learning: can it improve managerial thinking? Journal of Management Education, 29(2), 357-378.
STERNBERG, R. J. (1999). Handbook of Creativity. Cambridge University Press.
STERNBERG, R. J. (2005). Creativity or creativities? International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 63(4), 370-382.
STERNBERG, R., & LUBART, T. (1997). La creatividad en una cultura conformista. Un desafío a las masas. Paidós.
TAN, O. S., TEO, C. T., & CHYE, S. (2009). Problem and creativity. En O. S. Tan (Ed.), Problem-Based Learning and Creativity (pp. 1-13). Cengage Learning.
TREFFINGER, D. J., ISAKSEN, S. G., & DORVAL, K. B. (2000). Creative problem solving: an introduction. Prufrock Press.
VALE, I., & BARBOSA, A. (2015). Mathematics Creativity in Elementary Teacher Training. Journal of the European Teacher Education Network, 10, 101-109.
VAN KNIPPENBERG, D. L., & HOEVER, I. J. (2017). Team diversity and team creativity: A categorization-elaboration perspective. En R. Reiter-Palmon (Ed.), Team creativity and innovation (pp. 41-60). Oxford University Press.
WATSON, A. D. (2015). Design Thinking for Life. Art Education, 68(3), 12-18.
WIJNIA, L., LOYENS, S. M. M., & RIKERS, R. M. J. P. (2019). The Problem-Based Learning Process. En M. Moallem, W. Hung y N. Dabbagh (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook of Problem-Based Learning (capítulo 12). Wiley. Online Library.
ZAPATA-ROS, M. (2015). Teorías y modelos sobre el aprendizaje en entornos conectados y ubicuos. Bases para un nuevo modelo teórico a partir de una visión crítica del «conectivismo». Education in the Kno-wledge Society (EKS), 16(1), 69-102.
ZHOU, C. (2012): Fostering creative engineers: a key to face the complexity of engineering practice. Euro-pean Journal of Engineering Education, 37(4), 1-12.
ZHOU, C., & KROGH, L. (2019). Developing Successful Group Processes in Interdisciplinary Projects. En A. Tekian. (Ed.), Interdisciplinarity and Problem-Based Learning in Higher Education (pp. 103-116). Aalborg University.
ZHOU, C., NIELSEN, J. D., & KOLMOS, A. (2011). Foster creative engineers by PBL: A case study of stu-dent satellite project (AAUSAT3) at Aalborg University in Denmark, 2011 2nd International Conference on Wireless Communication, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace & Electronic Systems Technology (Wireless VITAE).
Navarro-González, I., & Zhou, C. (2024). Estrategias para fomentar la creatividad en la formación de maestros. Aula, 30, 117–131.
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