Perception of Families and Teachers about the Distance-Teaching Mode Implemented in the Community of Madrid During the Covid-19


This research work analyzes the process that primary education has followed in the distance-teaching mode implanted, temporarily, in the Community of Madrid, as a consequence of the crisis by Covid-19, from the perspective of families and teachers of public, charter and non-charter schools. The research has been carried out by sending a questionnaire to families with sons and daughters in primary education, obtaining a sample of 120 responses and conducting interviews with two teachers of different educational levels at the indicated stage. A quantitative study was carried out with the results obtained from the questionnaire, through a statistical analysis using SPSS, obtaining information from the crossing of variables. The qualitative analysis of the content of the interviews has been carried out using a mixed categorical system that has allowed the establishment of previous categories from which other emergent ones related to the study aspects have been extracted. The results show that a large majority of students have continued their education virtually, although families’ access to the internet and their availability of digital resources to continue learning at home has been influenced by their economic level. In addition, teachers show a change in modality marked by anxiety and lack of coordination, and the need to rethink the Spanish educational system based on a digitization that replaces the deficiencies detected.
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Author Biography

Arántzazu de las Morenas Martín

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Maestra de Educación Infantil y Primaria