Incidence of the educational habits in the learning of students of preschool education

  • María Martínez Redondo
    IES «Veracruz» mredondo[at]
  • Miguel Pérez Ferra
    Universidad de Jaén
  • Beatriz Sierra Y Arizmendiarriet
    Universidad de Oviedo


The preschool (ages 3-6) is key for the future development the students in the society that surrounds them. It must guarantee an environment of learning based on playful and significant activities that allows the children to grow in preschool appropriate for the development of educational habits that appear in the curriculum. Teacher staff must direct their methodology to consolidate and backing of such educational habits as sports and technology, of reading and writing, moral and behavioral, environment, of hygiene and personal autonomy. In this article we show the results of a work of our research in which gathered, information across a quantitative methodology. The opinions of the teachers of preschool of the area of Sierra de Segura, El Condado y Las Villas, where Úbeda is the head of the province of Jaén with regard to the type of educational habits that are more advisable to apply in the educational practice depending on the directives that preschool curriculum offers to us. The results demonstrate, according to the opinions showed preschool teachers, that the recent teachers need to base their methods in the transmission and development of 3-6 years olds education, generating new approaches, knowledge, skills and indispensable disposition for their future formation.
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Author Biographies

María Martínez Redondo

IES «Veracruz»
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Jaén. Edificio D-2. Despacho: 240. c/ Paraje de las Lagunillas, s/n. 23071 – Jaén (España)

Miguel Pérez Ferra

Universidad de Jaén
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Jaén. Edificio D-2. Despacho: 240. c/ Paraje de las Lagunillas, s/n. 23071 – Jaén (España)

Beatriz Sierra Y Arizmendiarriet

Universidad de Oviedo
Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Oviedo. Campus de Llamaquique, C/ Aniceto Sela, s/n - 33005 Oviedo (España)