The creation of EHEA from the point of view of teachers and managers

  • Manuela Raposo Rivas
    Universidad de Vigo mraposo[at]
  • Mercedes González Sanmamed
    Universidad de La Coruña


Once the goal has been achieved, european Higher education Area (eHeA) in 2010, many initiatives has been launched for its development: one in the shape (structure), other in the background (university teaching), some financed, other free services, some collective, other individuals, some easy, other difficult… In any case, most of them carried out, promoted or carried out with the involvement of teachers and managers of universities. we present here the views and assessments that members of management teams and teachers have about the creation of the european Higher education Area, particularly as it relates to elements that enhance and difficulties that arise.
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Raposo Rivas, M., & González Sanmamed, M. (2010). The creation of EHEA from the point of view of teachers and managers. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 28(1), 79–95. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Manuela Raposo Rivas

Universidad de Vigo
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Vigo. Campus Universitario As Lagoas s/n. – 32004 – Orense (España)

Mercedes González Sanmamed

Universidad de La Coruña
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de La Coruña Campus de Elviña s/n. – 15071 - La Coruña (España)