The technology of the comunication and the information before the disabylities from the framework of the European Union


Every time it is more frecuent the documents reading where is investigated on the large potentials and perspectives than the can offer the technologies of the information and the communication to the persons with some type of disabiliteis, and this, it should be fundamentally to two consideratins. For a part, we find ourselves before an eminent evolution of the welfare of our society, welfare and economic, both problems that are reflected in the preoccupatin and interest because all the persons may have a place in the lifre and on the other hand we find ourselves whit the unstoppable machine of the evolution of the science and the technology, evolution, that, probably it will be consequence of large economic and mercantilist interest but that little by little they have let their fingerprint in persons that are interested by the welfare in all. At this time, it can result us useful, to all those which we move ourselves in the field of the teaching and concretely in the pledge by the introduction of the tecnologies in the education, to know the perspectives of future toward the persons with disabilities, in function of the accesibility regulations the platforms of the technology, especially the data proccesing. Because of this, the premeditation of the following article is to accomplish a in-depth tour on the projects that they are being developing at European level and which is being the performance of Spain in that situation concerning the technology to the service of the persons with disabilities.
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Pascual Sevillano, M. Ángeles. (2009). The technology of the comunication and the information before the disabylities from the framework of the European Union. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 15. Retrieved from

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