Catholicizing Cosmopolitanism: The Rhetorical Strategy of the 2004 Italian Curriculum Reform as a Conservative Reform

  • Daniel Boccacci
    Universidad de Granada


The study analyzes the cosmopolitan construct promoted in the reasoning of the National Indications (2004), a scheme taken up in the current norm for the curricular definition of national compulsory education in Italy. Following the methodological line of Quentin Skinner, enriched with the research of Thomas Popkewitz, the study shows how the civic discourse expressed in the National Indications (2004) is based on the concepts of «Christianity» and «person», faithfully taken from the Italian Catholic pedagogy from the years after the end of World War II until today. The analysis sheds light on the strong metaphysical value of the Italian construct with universalizing effects to convince that: religion is a fundamental discipline for everyone and it is possible to live morally within the global business space, achieving an «exceptional» ideal of a world citizen, never purely political, never just economic, never strictly religious, but a saving and fluctuating combination of the three.
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Boccacci, D. (2022). Catholicizing Cosmopolitanism: The Rhetorical Strategy of the 2004 Italian Curriculum Reform as a Conservative Reform. Historia De La Educación, 40(1), 283–302.


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