Can problem-solving be problematized: performative phantasmagrams of crisis in US STEM education reform

  • Lei Zheng
    Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison


If we can agree that curriculum studies generally focus on organizing, planning, and arranging knowledge, either in a normative or a critical way, then curriculum history is less about looking at the past curriculum than the historical practices that are entangled in the ways that knowledge is organized. With the turn to performative approach aroused in science studies, this article problematizes the ways «situations» and «problems» embodied in STEM education are imagined and materialized as crisis of future survival through a performative historiography. The article will begin with introducing post-humanist science studies of performativity and Michelle Murphy (2017)’s concepts «phantasmagram» to accounting for the conceptual-material-affective conditions of apparatuses that configure spacetime and stabilize phenomena. Then, it will first draw upon existing scholarship in the history and sociology of science to discuss how the «real-life situation» was invented through US military and scientific experiments that substituted it for the condition of its production during the war and post-war era. Following that, I will explore two experiments (Mintz’ experiment of panic behavior and Spaceship Earth Movement) to examine how the phantasma of crisis was coconstituted with the scientific simulation of collective problem-solving at both micro and macro scales during the 1950s-1970s. Lastly, it will introduce how this phantasmagram of crisis animated the anticipatory curriculum and the pedagogy of problem-solving to prepare American students for global survival in and after the 1980s.
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(Traducción de Elena Patricia Hernández Rivero, Universidad de Salamanca)
Zheng, L. (2022). Can problem-solving be problematized: performative phantasmagrams of crisis in US STEM education reform. Historia De La Educación, 40(1), 199–220.


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