A survey paralyzed in time: the lesson preparation notebook

  • Rosa Ortiz De Santos
    Universidad de Valladolid


In 1932, the journal Escuelas de España published the answers of twenty teachers to a survey about the «cuaderno de preparación de lecciones». It reported that they would later share the analysis and conclusions of the study. The temporary disappearance of the journal meant that this data was not analysed. In this proposal, being aware of the evolution that the preparation notebooks underwent,we give continuity to the research. The results show the value that the teachers surveyed gave to the notebooks as a resource that favoured the autonomy and empowerment of teachers. At the same time, almost predictably, they feared that they would be used as an instrument to control the teacher’s activity.
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Ortiz De Santos, R. (2021). A survey paralyzed in time: the lesson preparation notebook. Historia De La Educación, 39(1), 407–422. https://doi.org/10.14201/hedu202039407422


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