Popular movement and school in the Franco regime: the «ikastolas» in Gipuzkoa

  • Iñaki Zabaleta
    Universidad del País Vasco i.zabaleta[at]ehu.es
  • Joxe Garmendia
    Universidad del País Vasco
  • Hilario Murua Cartón
    Universidad del País Vasco


The ways of struggle and resistance against the Franco regime presentan enormous variability and the motivations which activate them (political,social, cultural…) are characterized by their great heterogeneity. The educational area receives a special significance in Euskal Herria, from the perspective of the Basque culture and the Basque language, with all its derivations, included the national identity. In this sense, the central hypothesis of our contribution is that the emergence and later development of the movement of the ‘ikastolas’ of the sixties and seventies must be placed in a wide context of popular fight. This transcends the school area in order to penetrate and activate the whole Basque social fabric, where multiple reactive strategies and alternatives the educational pro-Franco model will spread out. For all this, we will have to provide a context for the phenomenon taking into account the social, economic, political and educational reality of the period. We will also count on the existing documentation in several Archives and the direct testimony of some of the main protagonists of the popular movement.
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Zabaleta, I., Garmendia, J., & Murua Cartón, H. (2015). Popular movement and school in the Franco regime: the «ikastolas» in Gipuzkoa. Historia De La Educación, 34, 305–336. https://doi.org/10.14201/hedu201534305336


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