Hernández Huerta, J. L.; Cagnolati, A. y Diestro Fernández, A. (eds.): Connecting History of Education. Scientific Journals as International Tools for a Global World, Salamanca, FahrenHouse, 2015, 210 pp.

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González Gómez, S. (2016). Hernández Huerta, J. L.; Cagnolati, A. y Diestro Fernández, A. (eds.): Connecting History of Education. Scientific Journals as International Tools for a Global World, Salamanca, FahrenHouse, 2015, 210 pp. Historia De La Educación, 35, 446–447. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/tres/index.php/0212-0267/article/view/17601

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