Territories, identities and peoples: for a revisión of the history of education in Spain


The debate surrounding the constructs national history/regional history also affects the history of education. This is a debate which has been instigated by us: because of the heartfelt need to revise a traditionally unitarian and single-model history, because of the awareness of the epistemological limitations of a structuralist historiography, and because of the consideration of post-structu- ralist contributions. This contribution deals with this debate in the field of the history of education at three junctures: namely that of the «problematization», the argumentation in favour of the de-construction of the historical reasoning and also the reference to the Spanish educational historiography drawn up in relation to the aforementioned.
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Costa Rico, A. (2013). Territories, identities and peoples: for a revisión of the history of education in Spain. Historia De La Educación, 25, 105–129. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/tres/index.php/0212-0267/article/view/11175

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Author Biography

Antón Costa Rico

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Departamento de Teoría de la Educación, Historia de la Educación y Pedagogía Social. Fac. de Ciencias da Educación-Campus Universitario Sur - 15782 - Santiago de Compostela / La Coruña (España)