The foundling child in the Enlightened Despotism. His nursing and his education


This article researches the enlightened Spanish policy in the last decades of 18 th century, before the dramatic situation of the foundling children. This period produces the legislative, medical and educational bases necessary for a best and more effective official intervention with the abandoned children, his breeding and his education, and for to promote the social sensibility before it. The scholar organization and the educational principles followed are the own of the holdings of the enlightened minority. The change of orientation produced was impulsed by humanitarian and social motives, but specially by the enlightened policy of to promotion the hand of work qualified that allow the development of the arts, the trades and the industry, required by the modernization of Spain. Nevertheless, is noticed a loud imbalance between the legislate and the truly starting in observance.
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Negrín Fajardo, O. (2013). The foundling child in the Enlightened Despotism. His nursing and his education. Historia De La Educación, 18, 51–66. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Olegario Negrín Fajardo

UNED. Facultad de Educación. C/ Juan del Rosal, 14. 28040 Madrid. (España)