Supervision: new patterns and processes in the social function and professional character in Spain (1849-1936)


The present article approaches the new patterns of supervision and its inclussion to socio-professional categories in Spain. That affected the boundaries and theory of education thinking, as to the institutional innnovation and methodological changes. The contents of this work is an attempt to reconstruct of the primary school scene. A series of considerations are presented alows to conclude that new patterns and processes , which includes the infeigned and innovative programmes, show a clear advance in order to obtain a deep pedagogical renovation, reaching even the international recognition.
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Jiménez Eguizábal, A. (2013). Supervision: new patterns and processes in the social function and professional character in Spain (1849-1936). Historia De La Educación, 17, 205–220. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Alfredo Jiménez Eguizábal

Universidad de Burgos
Hospital del Rey, s/n. 09001 Burgos. España