The lives of the women teachers


In this research we get close to the lives of the women teachers who worked in Spain until three decades ago. A wide and complex period during which they got integrated in socil life with a remunerated job, contributed either to the changes or to the duration of the events that accompanied their lives. A profession that they exercised above all in villages due to the mainly rural character of the Spanish society until the second half of the 20th century. In schools that had few material resources and in general with numerous pupils. With an education that prepared them to teach according to the assigned genre and having to suffer the image of them that was spread. Many of them were involved in the different politic circunstances that Spain lived during those years. For a women the primary teaching implied the most accepted possibility by the social environment to incorporate themselves to a qualified job that allowed them to have an economic and personal autonomy, that helped them to get conscious of their necessary presence in public environments.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Flecha García, C. (2013). The lives of the women teachers. Historia De La Educación, 16, 199–222. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Consuelo Flecha García

Universidad de Sevilla
Calle San Fernando, 4. 41004 Sevilla (España)