Furniture, Funds and Fquipment of the Schools in the Nineteenth Century


In this article there is an attempt to reconstruct the typology of the primary school scene in Europe as regards furniture, funds and equipment of the schools in the first two thirds of the ninteenth century, as a background of the Spanish scene. After writing a synthetic exposition of the recommendations made on the matter by the Spanish writers, the author reviews the normative dictates of the nineteenth century and contrasts theory, law and the school practice, this one traditionally away from the theoretical and normative prescriptions. There is an intention to contribute to a better knowledge of the Spanish school practice, particularly, in the first half of the nineteenth century, period on which there is still a relative semidarkness in the educational historiography
  • Referencias
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Costa Rico, A. (2013). Furniture, Funds and Fquipment of the Schools in the Nineteenth Century. Historia De La Educación, 16, 91–112. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Antón Costa Rico

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Departamento de Teoría de la Educación, Historia de la Educación y Pedagogía Social. Fac. de Ciencias da Educación-Campus Universitario Sur - 15782 - Santiago de Compostela / La Coruña (España)