The order of the chairs'provision in Salamanca University (1700-1750)


This study comprises a statistical analysis of the provision of Chairs at the University of Salamanca for the first half of the eighteenth century. These provisions allowed those in power to favour a certain sector of the university —the members of the major colleges— for the most important teaching positions. The members of the major colleges of Salamanca were able to control those teaching with the greatest professional possibilities by taking turns in the provision of the chairs of Law and by alternating in the provision of the chairs of Philosophy and Theology. This was especially in detriment to students and ordinary candidates not associated with the colleges. This unfair parcelling out of university chairs, among other factors, was to eventually lead the University of Salamanca to a crisis situation, manifested most clearly in the decline in the number of students matriculating in the eighteenth century.
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Polo Rodriguez, J. L. (2013). The order of the chairs’provision in Salamanca University (1700-1750). Historia De La Educación, 14, 257–277. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Juan Luis Polo Rodriguez

Universidad de Salamanca
Biblioteca General Histórica. Universidad de Salamanca. Edificio Escuelas Mayores. C/ Libreros s/n. 37008. Salamanca. España.