Education and Hygiene. Patricio Borobio and the first Tender for Education and Popular Hygiene (Santiago de Compostela, 1915)


The initiative of the «Liga de Amigos de Santiago» to organize a tender for Education and Popular Hygiene arose during a period when child medicalization was at the fore and schools were becoming places in which to instil principles and the acquisition of hygienic habits, while at the same time being places of social and moral control of their pupils. The speech given by Patricio Borobio Díaz, professor in Paediatrics at the University of Zaragoza, addressed the reciprocal relationships between hygiene and education. This paper is a study of the tender put out by the Santiago group and of the life and career of Dr Borobio and the speech he gave. The latter is reproduced in whole.
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Moreno Martínez, P. L. (2013). Education and Hygiene. Patricio Borobio and the first Tender for Education and Popular Hygiene (Santiago de Compostela, 1915). Historia De La Educación, 28, 299–320. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Pedro Luis Moreno Martínez

Universidad de Murcia
Campus Universitario de Espinardo, s/n, 30100 Murcia (España)