Mathematics education and comparative historical studies


This paper has as its aims: to characterize the area of research «history of mathematics education» and to defend the idea that mathematics education has constituted a privileged research theme within the field of comparative historical studies. To achieve these aims, the text includes references to a review of the literature concerning comparative studies, the analysis of two fundamental moments focused on attempts to internationalize the mathematics curriculum, both of which occurred during the 20th century, and, to end, a case study emanating from an international cooperation between researchers in Brazil and Portugal.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Rodrigues Valente, W. (2013). Mathematics education and comparative historical studies. Historia De La Educación, 28, 259–272. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Wagner Rodrigues Valente

Universidad de Sao Paulo
Av. Professor Luciano Gualberto, travessa 3, 71 -Cidade Universitaria. São Paulo. Brasil