The Technical Office of School Construction. Documents in the centenary of its creation (1920)

  • María del Pilar García Salmerón


This year marks the centenary of the creation of this public body, framed within the Ministerio de Instrucción Pública y Bellas Artes. His work is highly significant and enduring. Significant, because from his architecture studio a large number of school buildings would be illuminated, which represented a drastic and necessary change in the space in which public primary education was located in Spain, and lasting, since many of his works still remain today standing, enjoying the admiration and consideration of citizens, still housing within its walls schools or other educational institutions. Here essential documents are rescued to know and understand the history of school buildings in Spain.
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García Salmerón, M. del P. (2021). The Technical Office of School Construction. Documents in the centenary of its creation (1920). Historia De La Educación, 39(1), 425–436.


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