Socio-Educational and Socio-Emotional Impact of ADHD: Life Stories on University Students


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can have a negative impact on the academic and emotional environment and on aspects related to quality of life. The aim of this study is to deepen the life experiences of university students diagnosed with ADHD. This research, of a phenomenological-descriptive nature, is based on life stories through semi-structured in-depth biographical interviews with three university students with ADHD. In the analysis of the results, a great impact of ADHD was identified in relation to four major focuses: treatment, academic aspects, social relations and quality of life. The results highlight a relationship between quality of life and academic aspects, and of these latter with social relations, as well as the importance of treatment. These aspects are mainly related to self-esteem, self-concept, anxiety, executive functions and empathy of the subjects.
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Author Biography

María Álvarez de Godos

Universidad de León