Situation of People with Intellectual Disabilities and their Families in front of the Crisis Generated by COVID-19
Abstract The situation generated by the health crisis has disrupted the entire social system and the citizens usual behaviour dynamics. Of course, it has also affected people with intellectual disabilities and the support systems for them. In this article we want to describe how people with intellectual disabilities to whom Futuro Singular Córdoba provides support lived the situation during the quarantine, what resources they had and how the families valued the work carried out by the foundation. On the other hand, we want to make an observation about how a public health issue like the one we have experienced can affect the models of providing support to people with intellectual disabilities. The progress achieved thanks to person-centered and community development approaches is put at risk in the face of the proposals of social health models that do not adjust to the reality of the majority of people with intellectual disabilities. This represents a clear setback in the practices of providing support focused on models of citizenship and impact on quality of life.
- Referencias
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LUCKASSON, R., BORTHWICK-DUFFY, S., BUNTINX, W. H., COULTER, D. L., CRAIG, E. M. P., REEVE, A., SCHALOCK, R. L., SNELL, M. E., SPITALNIK, D. M., SPREAT, S. y TASSÉ, M. J. (2002). Mental retardation: definition, classification, and systems of supports. American Association on Mental Retardation.
LUCKASSON, R., COULTER, D. L., POLLOWAY, E. A., REISS, S., SCHALOCK, R. S., SHELL, M. E.,... y STARK, J. A. (1992). Mental retardation: definition, classifica-tion, and systems of support. American Association on Mental Retardation.
RODRÍGUEZ, G. y MONSERRAT, J. (2002). Modelos de atención sociosanitaria. Una aproximación a los costes de la dependencia. IMSERSO, Mi-nisterio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales.
SCHALOK, R. L. y VERDUGO, M. Á. (2003). Calidad de vida: manual para profesionales de la educación, salud y servicios sociales. Alianza.
González Aguilar, J. A. (2021). Situation of People with Intellectual Disabilities and their Families in front of the Crisis Generated by COVID-19. Siglo Cero, (1), 183–196.
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