Assessment of Rights-Related Personal Outcomes in Young People with Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Laura Morales Fernández
    Universidad de Oviedo gomezlaura[at]
  • Lucía Morán Suárez
    Universidad de Oviedo
  • Laura E. Gómez Sánchez
    Universidad de Oviedo


Despite the great importance of the quality of life concept in the intellectual disability (ID) field, literature about its application to youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is scarce, especially for the rights domain, an area that has become particularly important after the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This study focuses on assessing the rights of youth with ASD and ID and comparing their results obtained by people with ID and other associated conditions: Down syndrome and cerebral palsy. The Rights subscale from the field-test version of the KidsLife Scale was administered in a sample composed of 153 participants with ID aged from 4 to 21 years old (ASD = 51; Down syndrome = 51; cerebral palsy = 51). The variables gender, type of schooling, level of ID and level of support needs were significant for the group with ASD. The three groups showed positive outcomes, though youth with Down syndrome obtained statistically significant higher scores than participants with ASD.
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