Narratives on inclusion-exclusion in university students with disabilities in the city of Temuco (Chile)


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the narratives about the inclusion-exclusion of university students with disabilities in the city of Temuco, Chile. Therefore, it was decided to reconstruct the university experience of young people through the biographical-narrative method as it offers insight to give meaning and understand the cognitive, affective and action aspects of students with disabilities. In the same way, for the purposes of this paper a discourse analysis model has been formulated based on the theoretical-methodological proposals proposed by Gilberto Giménez (1989) that guide the work with the corpus obtained for the present study. Consequently, the analysis of the corpus allows us to describe and highlight that each experience should not be treated as an expression of a unique thought, since disability is not a standard situation and each case enriches its very notion based on its particularities. Finally, the students who agreed to share their stories reinforce the importance for them of both family context, institutionalization and the role of friendships; same that acquire the role of thematic axes from which topics emerge, as well as implications around the inclusion-exclusion binomial.
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Author Biographies

Verel Elvira Monroy Flores

Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Alberto Javier Mayorga Rojel

Universidad de la Frontera. Chile
Universidad de la Frontera. Chile