Construction of an instrument to assess the perception of microentrepreneurs about the communication skills of young people with mild intellectual disability
Abstract The objective of the study was to construct an instrument that allows measuring the perception of the communicative skills of young people with intellectual disabilities in a valid and reliable way. A descriptive study (Survey) of cross section was carried out. Sixty microentrepreneurs from the province of Talca (Chile) were studied. The work activities are for bakery, furniture and sales in grocery stores. A questionnaire was constructed to measure the perception of the communicative skills of young people with mild intellectual disability. It was validated by construct and reliability was verified by Cronbach. The validity results show values of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin 0.78, X2 = 1031.500. Three indicators or categories were confirmed, whose saturations range from 0.52 to 0.83. The Percentage of the variance explains 65.90%. The alpha of Conbach showed a high capacity of reproducibility (r = 0.92). In conclusion, the elaborated instrument that measures communication skills is valid and reliable. The results suggest its use and application in microentrepreneurs to assess the perception of the communicative skills of young people with mild intellectual disability.
- Referencias
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Batista-Foguet, J. M., Coenders, G. y Alonso, J. (2004). Análisis factorial confirmatorio. Su utilidad en la validación de cuestionarios relacionados con la salud. Medicina Clínica, 122 (Supl. 1), 21-27. -
Bloomberg, K. y West, D. (1999). The Triple C - Checklist of Communicative Competencies. Melbourne, Vic: Scope.
Bulger, S. M. y Hourner, L. D. (2007). Modified Delphi investigation of exercise science in physical education teacher education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 26, 57-80. -
Canals Sans, G. (2003). La inserción de personas con discapacidad en la empresa ordinaria. Documentación Social, 130, 229-248.
Centre for Developmental Disability Health Victoria-cddh (2014). Better Health, Better Lives.
Cortina, J. M. (1993). What is coefficient alpha? An examination of theory and applications. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 98-104. -
Cossio-Bolaños, M. A., Monné, R., Cornejo, C., Lepe, N., Vidal, R. y Araújo, P. (2013). Construcción de un instrumento para medir el uso del conocimiento científico en alumnos de educación especial y psicopedagogía. Multiciencias, 13 (1), 68-74.
Díaz de Rada Igurquiza, V. (2002). Análisis Factorial. En V. Díaz de Rada Igurquiza, Técnicas de análisis multivariante para investigación social y comercial (pp. 91-156). Madrid: ra-ma.
Dini, A., Alves, D. F., Oliveira, H. y Guirardello, E. (2014). Validez y confiabilidad de un instrumento de clasificación de pacientes pediátricos. Revista Latino-Americana. Enfermagem, 22 (4), 598-603. -
Estudio Nacional de la Discapacidad en Chile (endisc) (2005). Santiago, Chile: Fondo Nacional de la Discapacidad.
Figueiredo-Filho, D. B. y Silva-Junior, J. Á. (2010). Visão além do alcance: uma introdução à análise fatorial. Opinión Pública, 16 (1), 160-185. -
Goldbart, J. y Caton, S. (2010). Communication and people with the most complex needs: What works and why this is essential. Research Institute for Health and Social Change Manchester Metropolitan University (mmu): mencap.
Gómez-Campos, R., Arruda, M., Sulla, J., Alvear, F., Urra, C., González, C., Luarte, C. y Cossio-Bolaños, M. (2015). Construcción de un instrumento para valorar la actitud a la obesidad en adolescentes. Revista Chilena de Nutrición, 42 (3), 277-283. -
Gordon, J., Halasz, G., Krawczyk, M., Leney, T., Michel, A., Pepper, D., Putkiewicz, E. y Wisniewski, J. (2009). Key Competences in Europe: Opening Doors for Lifelong Learners across the School Curriculum and Teacher Education. Varsovia: case. -
Guttman, L. (1976). Fundamentos del análisis del escalograma. En C. H. Wainerman, (Comp.), Escalas de medición en ciencias sociales (pp. 291-330). Buenos Aires: Ediciones Nueva Visión.
Hebson, R. K. (2001). Understanding internal consistency reliability estimates: a conceptual primer on coefficient alpha. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 34, 177-189.
Iacono, T., West, D., Bloomberg, K. y Johnson, H. (2009). Reliability and validity of the revised Triple C: Checklist of Communicative Competencies for adults with severe and multiple disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 53 (1), 44-53. -
Integración Laboral de Personas con Discapacidad (ilpcd) (2005). Guía Práctica para Empresas. Santiago, Chile: Acción rse.
Jaramillo, S. y Ossesa, S. (2012). Validación de un Instrumento sobre Metacognición para Estudiantes de Segundo Ciclo de Educación General Básica. Estudios Pedagógicos, 38 (2), 117-131. -
Martínez-Martín, P., Fernández-Mayoralas, G., Frades-Payo, B., Rojo-Pérez, F., Petidier, R., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, V., Forjaz, M., Prieto-Flores, M. E. y Cuesta, J. P. (2009). Validación de la Escala de Independencia Funcional. Gac Sanit, 23 (1), 49-54. -
Penfield, R. D. y Giacobbi, P. R., Jr. (2004). Applying a score confidence interval to Aiken's item contentrelevance index. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 8 (4), 213-225. -
Schalick, W. O., Westbrook, C. y Young, B. (2012). Communication with Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and Psychiatric Disabilities: A Summary of the Literature. Michigan Retirement Research Center University of Michigan. -
Tuffrey-Wijne, I. y McEnhill, L. (2008). Communication difficulties and intellectual disability in end-of-life care. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 14 (4). -
Villardón-Gallego, L., Yániz, C., Achurra, C., Iraurgi, I. y Aguilar, M. C. (2013). Learning Competence in University: Development and Structural Validation of a Scale to Measure. Revista de Psicodidáctica, 18 (2), 357-374. -
Wiersema, L. D. (2001). Conceptualization and development of the sources of enjoyment in youth sport questionnaire. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 5 (3), 153-157. -
Gómez-Campos, R., Vidal-Espinoza, R., Cornejo-Valderrama, C., Pacheco-Carrillo, J., & Cossio-Bolaños, M. (2019). Construction of an instrument to assess the perception of microentrepreneurs about the communication skills of young people with mild intellectual disability. Siglo Cero, 50(2), 39–50.
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