Evaluation of the Methodology Supported Employment in Promentor Program (UAM-PRODIS). Competence Setting

  • Dolores Izuzquiza Gasset
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ?[at]usal.es
  • Pablo Rodríguez Herrero
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y Fundación Prodis


In this article are presented the results of research on the fit between the job and the skills of workers with intellectual disabilities, in order to identify factors that affect the maintenance of the workplace. It is done through a methodology for evaluating program outcomes Promentor (UAM-PRODIS) and associated Labor Inclusion Service. The evaluation was carried out on 52 workers, with the application of a questionnaire to the companies in which they work and their trainers or labor mediators. The most significant results are: 1) The figure of labor mediator is essential not only in employment but also in maintenance in the workplace; 2) The most valued competence dimension is “Responsibility, autonomy and motivation”; 3) In the second most valued competence dimension, there are discrepancies between labor mediators and collaborators. The first highlights the dimension “Interpersonal skills”, while companies put more emphasis on “Management and organization”. The conclusions reflect on the implication of these results on the itineraries of training and employment support custom.
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Izuzquiza Gasset, D., & Rodríguez Herrero, P. (2016). Evaluation of the Methodology Supported Employment in Promentor Program (UAM-PRODIS). Competence Setting. Siglo Cero, 47(1), 37–54. https://doi.org/10.14201/scero201613754


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Author Biographies

Dolores Izuzquiza Gasset

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Pablo Rodríguez Herrero

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y Fundación Prodis
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y Fundación Prodis. Bulevar Indalecio Prieto, 2. CP 28032