Self-Determination and Intellectual Disabilities: An Analysis from the Perspective of Families


Family context plays an important role in supporting self-determination of people with intellectual disabilities. However, research regarding this topic is still li- mited. This article presents a descriptive study that addresses the perspective of a group of parents about their children’s self-determination (n = 40). A semi-structured interview was used, in order to value certain knowledge, attitudes and strategies that can facilitate or limit self-determination skills. Families in this study mostly unknown the concept of self-determination, while value autonomy and independence as a priority educational objective. Also, they are insecure about how to support their children, and show fears. Besides, parents perceive their children as needed of protection. However, they also implemented some strategies that promote self-determination; such as providing opportunities to choose or talk about their personal characteristics. Several factors related to the distinctive features of each family, needs, or life cycle dynamics, impact on their perception of this goal. It is noted, therefore, the importance of understanding the experiences of families to meet their needs and support them as facilitators of self-determination and social inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities.
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Author Biographies

Araceli Arellano Torres

Universidad de Navarra
Departamento de Aprendizaje y Currículum. Facultad de Educación y Psicología. Universidad de Navarra. Edificio de Biblioteca Antigua. Campus Universitario. 31080 Pamplona, Navarra

Feli Peralta López

Universidad de Navarra
Departamento de Aprendizaje y Currículum. Facultad de Educación y Psicología. Universidad de Navarra