Barreras y facilitadores para la inclusión educativa de personas con discapacidad intelectual
Resumen El propósito de este estudio es analizar las barreras y ayudas que 32 personas con discapacidad intelectual (DI), escolarizadas en centros ordinarios, han identificado en su trayectoria escolar. Las autoras realizaron un estudio cualitativo basado en los supuestos de la investigación inclusiva con adultos españoles con DI. Se recogieron los datos mediante entrevistas individuales y fueron analizados a través de un sistema de categorías y códigos. En el análisis colaboraron activamente los participantes en la investigación. Los resultados muestran que las barreras y las ayudas que se encontraron las personas con DI estaban relacionadas con el perfil docente, el currículo, las relaciones sociales con los compañeros y otros agentes, como la familia y los equipos directivos de los centros educativos. Como principal conclusión sobresale que la práctica docente y la relación con los iguales son fundamentales y pueden llegar a actuar tanto como barrera cuanto como ayuda. Como recomendaciones se plantean la necesidad de que los docentes se comprometan con la enseñanza de contenidos funcionales, el uso de metodologías activas y centradas en el alumnado, así como con actuaciones para promover las relaciones sociales entre el alumnado.
- Referencias
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ACUÑA, L., CABRERA, V., MEDINA, D. y LIZARAZO, F. (2017). Necesidades de la familia y de la escuela en la educación de niños con discapacidad intelectual. I+D Revista de Investigaciones, 9(1), 126-137.
AINSCOW, M. (2004). Desarrollo de escuelas inclusivas. Ideas, propuestas y experiencias para mejorar las instituciones escolares. Narcea.
AINSCOW, M., SLEE, R. y BEST, M. (2019). Editorial: the Salamanca statement: 25 years on. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 23(7-8), 671-676.
ALESECH, J. y NAYAR, S. (2019). Teacher strategies for promoting acceptance and belonging in the classroom: a New Zealand study. Interna-tional Journal of Inclusive Education.
APA. (2017). Ethical principles of psychologists and code the conduct. American Psychological Association.
BOYNTON, L. y MAHON, J. (2018). Secondary teachers’ experiences with students with disabilities: examining the global landscape. Internatio-nal Journal of Inclusive Education, 22(3), 306-322. 116.2017.1364793
BUCHNER, T., SHEVLIN, M., DONOVAN, M.-A., GERCKE, M., GOLL, H., ŠIŠKA, J., JANYŠKOVÁ, K., SMOGORZEWSKA, J., SZUMSKI, G., VLACHOU, A., DEMO, H., FEYERER, E. y CORBY, D. (2020). Same progress for all? Inclusive education, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and students with intellectual disability in European countries. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities.
DATTA, P. (2013). “Is Test Anxiety a peril for students with intellectual disabilities?”. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 17(2), 121-132.
DÍAZ-GAROLERA, G., PALLISERA, M. y FULLANA, J. (2019). Developing social skills to empower friendships: design and assessment of a social skills training programme. International Journal of Inclusive Education.
DÍEZ, E. y SÁNCHEZ, S. (2015). Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje como metodología docente para atender a la diversidad en la universidad. Aula Abierta, 43, 87-93.
ECHEITA, G. (2017). Educación inclusiva. Sonrisas y lágrimas. Aula Abierta, 46, 17-24.
EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR SPECIAL NEEDS AND INCLUSIVE EDUCATION. (2018). Evidence of the link between inclusive education and social inclusion: a review of the literature.
FARMER, T. W., DAWES, M., HAMM, J. V., LEE, D., MEHTAJI, M., HOFFMAN, A. S. y BROOKS, D. S. (2018). Classroom social dynamics management: why the invisible hand of the teacher matters for special education. Remedial and Special Education, 39, 177-192.
FLORIAN, L. (2014). What counts as evidence of inclusive education? European Journal of Special Needs Education, 29(3), 286-295. 257.2014.933551
GEST, S., MADILL, R., ZADZORA, K., MILLER, A. y RODKIN, P. (2014). Teacher management of elementary classroom social dynamics. Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 22(2), 107-118. 26613512677
GIANGRECO, M. (2017). Expanding opportunities for students with intellectual disability. Educational Leadership, 74(7), 52-57.
GIESBERS, S., HENDRIKS, L., JAHODA, A., HASTINGS, R. y EMBREGTS, P. (2019). Living with support: experiences of people with mild intellectual disabili-ty. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 32(2), 446-456.
GILOR, O. y KATZ, M. (2018). From normalisation to inclusion: effects on pre-service teachers’ willingness to teach in inclusive classes. Inter-national Journal of Inclusive Education.
JIGYEL, K., MILLER, J., MAVROPOULOU, S. y BERMAN, J. (2018). Benefits and concerns: parents’ perceptions of inclusive schooling for children with special educational needs (SEN) in Bhutan. International Journal of Inclusive Education.
KUNTZ, M. y CARTER, W. (2019). Review of interventions supporting secondary students with intellectual disability in general education clas-ses. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 44(2).
KURT, X. (2016). Constructivism, dewey, and academic advising. NACADA Journal, 36(2), 11-19. NACADA-14-027
LACONO, T., KEEFE, M., KENNY, A. y McKINSTRY, C. (2019). A document review of exclusionary practices in the context of Australian school educa-tion policy. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 16(4), 264-272.
LEIVA, J. (2020). La educación intercultural e inclusiva: transformar mentalidades y contextos para el cambio y la innovación educativa. En L. ORTIZ y J. J. CARRIÓN (Eds.), Educación inclusiva: abriendo puertas al futuro (pp. 195-202). Dykinson.
LÓPEZ MELERO, M. (2011). Barreras que impiden la escuela inclusiva y algunas estrategias para construir una escuela sin exclusiones. Innova-ción Educativa, 21, 37-54.
LOW, H. M., LEE, L. W. y CHE AHMAD, A. (2018). Pre-service teachers’ attitude towards inclusive education for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Malaysia. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 22(3), 235-251.
MAÑAS-OLMO, M., GONZÁLEZ-ALBA, B. y CORTÉS-GONZÁLEZ, P. (2020). Historias de vida de personas con discapacidad intelectual. Entre el acoso y exclusión en la escuela como moduladores de la identidad. Revista Educación, Política y Sociedad, 5(1), 60-84.
MESSIOU, K. (2006). Understanding marginalisation in education: the voice of children. European Journal of Psychology of Education (Special Issue), 21(3), 305-318.
MORIÑA, A. (2010). School memories by young people with disabilities: an analysis of barriers and aids to inclusion. Disability and Society, 25(2), 163-175.
NEPI, L. D., FIORAVANTI, J., NANNINI, P. y PERU, A. (2015). Social acceptance and the choosing of favourite classmates: a comparison between students with special educational needs and typically developing students in a context of full inclusion. British Journal of Special Edu-cation, 42(3) 319-337.
NIETO, C. y MORIÑA, A. (2019). The dream school: mind-changing perspectives of people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability, 32, 1549-1557. https://doi:10.1111/JAR.12650
NIND, M. (2014). What is inclusive research? Bloomsbury.
NOTA, L., GINEVRA, M. C. y SORESI, S. (2018). School inclusion of children with intellectual disability: an intervention program. Journal of Intellec-tual and Developmental Disability, 44(4), 439-446.
ONU. (2019). Empowering children with disabilities for the enjoyment of their human rights, including through inclusive education.
RAMBERG, J. y WATKINS, A. (2020). Exploring inclusive education across Europe: some insights from the European Agency Statistics on inclusive education. FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education, 6(1), 85-101.
RIITAOJA, A., HELAKORPI, J. y HOLM, G. (2019). Students negotiating the borders between general and special education classes: an ethnographic and participatory research study. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 34(5), 586-600.
ROBINSON, S., HILL, M., FISHER, K. y GRAHAM, A. (2020). Belonging and exclusion in the lives of young people with intellectual disability in small town communities. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 24(1), 50-68.
ROSE, C., SIMPSON, C. y ELLIS, S. (2016). The relationship between school belonging, sibling aggression and bullying involvement: implications for students with and without disabilities. Educational Psychology, 36(8), 1462-1486. 410.2015.1066757
RUSHBROOKE, E., MURRAY, C. y TOWNSEND, S. (2014). The experiences of intimate relationships by people with intellectual disabilities: a qualitati-ve study. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27, 531-541.
SANAHUJA, A., MOLINER, O. y MOLINER, L. (2020). Organización del aula inclusiva: ¿Cómo diferenciar las estructuras para lograr prácticas educati-vas más efectivas? Revista Complutense de Educación, 31(4), 407-417.
SANDOVAL, M., SIMÓN, C. y ECHEITA, G. (2019). A critical review of education support practices in Spain. European Journal of Special Needs Edu-cation, 34(4), 441-454.
SCHARENBERG, K., ROLLETT, W. y BOS, W. (2019). Do differences in classroom composition provide unequal opportunities for academic learning and social participation of SEN students in inclusive classes in primary school? School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 30(3), 309-327.
SHARMA, U., LOREMAN, T. y SIMI, J. (2017). Stakeholder perspectives on barriers and facilitators of inclusive education in the Solomon Islands. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 17(2), 143-151.
SHOGREN, K., GROSS, J., FORBER-PRATT, A., FRANCIS, G., SATTER, A., BLUE-BANNING, M. y HILL, C. (2015). The perspectives of students with and without disabilities on inclusive schools. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 40(4), 243-260. 96915 583493
SIMÓN, C. y BARRIOS, A. (2019). Las familias en el corazón de la educación inclusiva. Aula Abierta, 48(1), 51-58.
SIMÓN, C., GINÉ, C. y ECHEITA, G. (2016). Escuela, familia y comunidad: construyendo alianzas para promover la inclusión. Revista Latinoameri-cana de Educación Inclusiva, 10(1), 25-42. S0718-73782016000100003
SMITH, S. y LOW, S. (2013). The role of social-emotional learning in bullying prevention efforts. Theory into Practice, 52(4), 280-287. 841.2013.829731
SMOGORZEWSKA, J., SZUMSKI, G. y GRYGIEL, P. (2019). Theory of mind development in school environment: a case of children with mild intellec-tual disability learning in inclusive and special education classrooms. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability, 32, 1241-1254.
SOULIS, S. y FLORIDIS, T. (2010). Sources of stress for Greek students with intellectual disabilities attending mainstream schools. Support for Learning, 25, 74-80.
UNESCO. (1994). The Salamanca statement and framework for action on special educational needs. Unesco.
UNESCO. (2020). Global education monitoring report-inclusion and education: All means all. Unesco.
VALENTIM, A. y VALENTIM, J. P. (2019). What I think of school: perceptions of school by people with intellectual disabilities. Disability & Society.
Van Den BERG, Y. H. y STOLTZ, S. (2018). Enhancing social inclusion of children with externalizing problems through classroom seating arran-gements: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 26, 31-41.
VEGA, V., ÁLVAREZ-AGUADO, I., SPENCER, H. y GONZÁLEZ, F. (2020). Avanzando en autodeterminación: estudio sobre las autopercepciones de per-sonas adultas con discapacidad intelectual desde una perspectiva de investigación inclusiva. Siglo Cero, 51(1), 31-52.
VERDUGO, M. Á. y RODRÍGUEZ, A. (2012). La inclusión educativa en España desde la perspectiva de alumnos con discapacidad intelectual, de familias y de profesionales. Revista de Educación, 358, 450-470.
WALMSLEY, J. y JOHNSON, K. (2003). Inclusive research with people with learning disabilities: past, present and futures. Jessica Kingsley.
WANG, M. T. y ECCLES, J. S. (2012). Social support matters: longitudinal effects of social support on three dimensions of school engagement from middle to high school. Child Development, 83, 877-895.
WILSON, N., JAQUES, H., JOHNSON, A. y BROTHERTON, M. (2017). From social exclusion to supported inclusion: adults with intellectual disability discuss their lived experiences of a structured social groups. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 30, 847-858.
YOUNG, R., DAGNAN, D. y JAHODA, A. (2016). Leaving school: a comparison of the worries held by adolescents with and without intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60(1), 9-21.
AINSCOW, M. (2004). Desarrollo de escuelas inclusivas. Ideas, propuestas y experiencias para mejorar las instituciones escolares. Narcea.
AINSCOW, M., SLEE, R. y BEST, M. (2019). Editorial: the Salamanca statement: 25 years on. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 23(7-8), 671-676.
ALESECH, J. y NAYAR, S. (2019). Teacher strategies for promoting acceptance and belonging in the classroom: a New Zealand study. Interna-tional Journal of Inclusive Education.
APA. (2017). Ethical principles of psychologists and code the conduct. American Psychological Association.
BOYNTON, L. y MAHON, J. (2018). Secondary teachers’ experiences with students with disabilities: examining the global landscape. Internatio-nal Journal of Inclusive Education, 22(3), 306-322. 116.2017.1364793
BUCHNER, T., SHEVLIN, M., DONOVAN, M.-A., GERCKE, M., GOLL, H., ŠIŠKA, J., JANYŠKOVÁ, K., SMOGORZEWSKA, J., SZUMSKI, G., VLACHOU, A., DEMO, H., FEYERER, E. y CORBY, D. (2020). Same progress for all? Inclusive education, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and students with intellectual disability in European countries. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities.
DATTA, P. (2013). “Is Test Anxiety a peril for students with intellectual disabilities?”. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 17(2), 121-132.
DÍAZ-GAROLERA, G., PALLISERA, M. y FULLANA, J. (2019). Developing social skills to empower friendships: design and assessment of a social skills training programme. International Journal of Inclusive Education.
DÍEZ, E. y SÁNCHEZ, S. (2015). Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje como metodología docente para atender a la diversidad en la universidad. Aula Abierta, 43, 87-93.
ECHEITA, G. (2017). Educación inclusiva. Sonrisas y lágrimas. Aula Abierta, 46, 17-24.
EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR SPECIAL NEEDS AND INCLUSIVE EDUCATION. (2018). Evidence of the link between inclusive education and social inclusion: a review of the literature.
FARMER, T. W., DAWES, M., HAMM, J. V., LEE, D., MEHTAJI, M., HOFFMAN, A. S. y BROOKS, D. S. (2018). Classroom social dynamics management: why the invisible hand of the teacher matters for special education. Remedial and Special Education, 39, 177-192.
FLORIAN, L. (2014). What counts as evidence of inclusive education? European Journal of Special Needs Education, 29(3), 286-295. 257.2014.933551
GEST, S., MADILL, R., ZADZORA, K., MILLER, A. y RODKIN, P. (2014). Teacher management of elementary classroom social dynamics. Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 22(2), 107-118. 26613512677
GIANGRECO, M. (2017). Expanding opportunities for students with intellectual disability. Educational Leadership, 74(7), 52-57.
GIESBERS, S., HENDRIKS, L., JAHODA, A., HASTINGS, R. y EMBREGTS, P. (2019). Living with support: experiences of people with mild intellectual disabili-ty. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 32(2), 446-456.
GILOR, O. y KATZ, M. (2018). From normalisation to inclusion: effects on pre-service teachers’ willingness to teach in inclusive classes. Inter-national Journal of Inclusive Education.
JIGYEL, K., MILLER, J., MAVROPOULOU, S. y BERMAN, J. (2018). Benefits and concerns: parents’ perceptions of inclusive schooling for children with special educational needs (SEN) in Bhutan. International Journal of Inclusive Education.
KUNTZ, M. y CARTER, W. (2019). Review of interventions supporting secondary students with intellectual disability in general education clas-ses. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 44(2).
KURT, X. (2016). Constructivism, dewey, and academic advising. NACADA Journal, 36(2), 11-19. NACADA-14-027
LACONO, T., KEEFE, M., KENNY, A. y McKINSTRY, C. (2019). A document review of exclusionary practices in the context of Australian school educa-tion policy. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 16(4), 264-272.
LEIVA, J. (2020). La educación intercultural e inclusiva: transformar mentalidades y contextos para el cambio y la innovación educativa. En L. ORTIZ y J. J. CARRIÓN (Eds.), Educación inclusiva: abriendo puertas al futuro (pp. 195-202). Dykinson.
LÓPEZ MELERO, M. (2011). Barreras que impiden la escuela inclusiva y algunas estrategias para construir una escuela sin exclusiones. Innova-ción Educativa, 21, 37-54.
LOW, H. M., LEE, L. W. y CHE AHMAD, A. (2018). Pre-service teachers’ attitude towards inclusive education for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Malaysia. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 22(3), 235-251.
MAÑAS-OLMO, M., GONZÁLEZ-ALBA, B. y CORTÉS-GONZÁLEZ, P. (2020). Historias de vida de personas con discapacidad intelectual. Entre el acoso y exclusión en la escuela como moduladores de la identidad. Revista Educación, Política y Sociedad, 5(1), 60-84.
MESSIOU, K. (2006). Understanding marginalisation in education: the voice of children. European Journal of Psychology of Education (Special Issue), 21(3), 305-318.
MORIÑA, A. (2010). School memories by young people with disabilities: an analysis of barriers and aids to inclusion. Disability and Society, 25(2), 163-175.
NEPI, L. D., FIORAVANTI, J., NANNINI, P. y PERU, A. (2015). Social acceptance and the choosing of favourite classmates: a comparison between students with special educational needs and typically developing students in a context of full inclusion. British Journal of Special Edu-cation, 42(3) 319-337.
NIETO, C. y MORIÑA, A. (2019). The dream school: mind-changing perspectives of people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability, 32, 1549-1557. https://doi:10.1111/JAR.12650
NIND, M. (2014). What is inclusive research? Bloomsbury.
NOTA, L., GINEVRA, M. C. y SORESI, S. (2018). School inclusion of children with intellectual disability: an intervention program. Journal of Intellec-tual and Developmental Disability, 44(4), 439-446.
ONU. (2019). Empowering children with disabilities for the enjoyment of their human rights, including through inclusive education.
RAMBERG, J. y WATKINS, A. (2020). Exploring inclusive education across Europe: some insights from the European Agency Statistics on inclusive education. FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education, 6(1), 85-101.
RIITAOJA, A., HELAKORPI, J. y HOLM, G. (2019). Students negotiating the borders between general and special education classes: an ethnographic and participatory research study. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 34(5), 586-600.
ROBINSON, S., HILL, M., FISHER, K. y GRAHAM, A. (2020). Belonging and exclusion in the lives of young people with intellectual disability in small town communities. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 24(1), 50-68.
ROSE, C., SIMPSON, C. y ELLIS, S. (2016). The relationship between school belonging, sibling aggression and bullying involvement: implications for students with and without disabilities. Educational Psychology, 36(8), 1462-1486. 410.2015.1066757
RUSHBROOKE, E., MURRAY, C. y TOWNSEND, S. (2014). The experiences of intimate relationships by people with intellectual disabilities: a qualitati-ve study. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27, 531-541.
SANAHUJA, A., MOLINER, O. y MOLINER, L. (2020). Organización del aula inclusiva: ¿Cómo diferenciar las estructuras para lograr prácticas educati-vas más efectivas? Revista Complutense de Educación, 31(4), 407-417.
SANDOVAL, M., SIMÓN, C. y ECHEITA, G. (2019). A critical review of education support practices in Spain. European Journal of Special Needs Edu-cation, 34(4), 441-454.
SCHARENBERG, K., ROLLETT, W. y BOS, W. (2019). Do differences in classroom composition provide unequal opportunities for academic learning and social participation of SEN students in inclusive classes in primary school? School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 30(3), 309-327.
SHARMA, U., LOREMAN, T. y SIMI, J. (2017). Stakeholder perspectives on barriers and facilitators of inclusive education in the Solomon Islands. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 17(2), 143-151.
SHOGREN, K., GROSS, J., FORBER-PRATT, A., FRANCIS, G., SATTER, A., BLUE-BANNING, M. y HILL, C. (2015). The perspectives of students with and without disabilities on inclusive schools. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 40(4), 243-260. 96915 583493
SIMÓN, C. y BARRIOS, A. (2019). Las familias en el corazón de la educación inclusiva. Aula Abierta, 48(1), 51-58.
SIMÓN, C., GINÉ, C. y ECHEITA, G. (2016). Escuela, familia y comunidad: construyendo alianzas para promover la inclusión. Revista Latinoameri-cana de Educación Inclusiva, 10(1), 25-42. S0718-73782016000100003
SMITH, S. y LOW, S. (2013). The role of social-emotional learning in bullying prevention efforts. Theory into Practice, 52(4), 280-287. 841.2013.829731
SMOGORZEWSKA, J., SZUMSKI, G. y GRYGIEL, P. (2019). Theory of mind development in school environment: a case of children with mild intellec-tual disability learning in inclusive and special education classrooms. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability, 32, 1241-1254.
SOULIS, S. y FLORIDIS, T. (2010). Sources of stress for Greek students with intellectual disabilities attending mainstream schools. Support for Learning, 25, 74-80.
UNESCO. (1994). The Salamanca statement and framework for action on special educational needs. Unesco.
UNESCO. (2020). Global education monitoring report-inclusion and education: All means all. Unesco.
VALENTIM, A. y VALENTIM, J. P. (2019). What I think of school: perceptions of school by people with intellectual disabilities. Disability & Society.
Van Den BERG, Y. H. y STOLTZ, S. (2018). Enhancing social inclusion of children with externalizing problems through classroom seating arran-gements: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 26, 31-41.
VEGA, V., ÁLVAREZ-AGUADO, I., SPENCER, H. y GONZÁLEZ, F. (2020). Avanzando en autodeterminación: estudio sobre las autopercepciones de per-sonas adultas con discapacidad intelectual desde una perspectiva de investigación inclusiva. Siglo Cero, 51(1), 31-52.
VERDUGO, M. Á. y RODRÍGUEZ, A. (2012). La inclusión educativa en España desde la perspectiva de alumnos con discapacidad intelectual, de familias y de profesionales. Revista de Educación, 358, 450-470.
WALMSLEY, J. y JOHNSON, K. (2003). Inclusive research with people with learning disabilities: past, present and futures. Jessica Kingsley.
WANG, M. T. y ECCLES, J. S. (2012). Social support matters: longitudinal effects of social support on three dimensions of school engagement from middle to high school. Child Development, 83, 877-895.
WILSON, N., JAQUES, H., JOHNSON, A. y BROTHERTON, M. (2017). From social exclusion to supported inclusion: adults with intellectual disability discuss their lived experiences of a structured social groups. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 30, 847-858.
YOUNG, R., DAGNAN, D. y JAHODA, A. (2016). Leaving school: a comparison of the worries held by adolescents with and without intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60(1), 9-21.
Nieto Carmona, C., & Moriña Díez, A. (2021). Barreras y facilitadores para la inclusión educativa de personas con discapacidad intelectual. Siglo Cero, 52(4), 29–49.
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