The Approach of Data Mining

A Performance-based Perspective of Segregated Data Estimation to Classify Distinction by Applying Diverse Data Mining Classifiers

  • Altaf Hussain
    Qatar University
  • Tariq Hussain
    Qatar University uom.tariq[at]
  • Ijaz Ullah
    University of Rennes 1


The concept of data mining is to classify and analyze the given data and to examine it clearly understandable and discoverable for the learners and researchers. The different types of classifiers are there exist to classify a data accordingly for the best and accurate results. Taking a primary data, and then classifying it into different portions of parts, then to analyze and remove any ambiguities from it and finally make it possible for understanding. With this process, that data will become secondary from primary and will called information. So, the classifiers are doing the same strategy for the solution and accuracy of the data. In this paper, different data mining approaches have been used by applying different classifiers on the taken data set. The data-set consists of 500 candidates’ segregated data for the analysis and evaluation to perfectly classify and to show the accurate results by using the proposed Algorithms. The data mining approaches have been used in which HUGO (Highly Undetectable steGO) Algorithm, Naïve Bayes Classification, k-nearest neighbors and Logistic Regression are used with the extension of the other classification methods that are Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) as classifiers. These classifiers are given names for further analysis that are Classifier-1 and Classifier-2 respectively. Along with these, a tool is used named WEKA (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) for the analysis of the classifier-1 and 2. For performance evaluation and analysis the parameters are used for best classification that which classifier has given best performance and why. These parameters are RRSE (Root Relative Square Error), RAE (Relative Absolute Error), MAE (Mean Absolute Error), and RMSE (Root Mean Square Error). For the best and outstanding accuracy of the proposed work, these parameters have been tested under the simulation environment along with the incorrect, correct classifying and the %age has been witnessed and calculated. From simulation results based on RRSE, RAE, MAE and RMSE, it has been shown that classifier-1 has given outstanding performance among the others and has been placed in highest priority.
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