Childhood Injured in the civil wars of Spain and Guatemala. A Revision from the Cinema


All armed conflict violates the lives of innocent people who, through no fault suffer physical and psychological consequences thereof. In the civil wars in Spain and Guatemala, children who were killed or wounded were counted by thousands, and a generation who lived his childhood in that context was marked by its aftermath. In recent decades, the film has recovered many experiences of these realities, it can be a matter of historical reflection and education for new generations. This study answers the following questions: Can cinema help to recover the historical memory? What are the imaginary recreated around children in times of civil war? How does that certain facts acquire meaning for viewers, especially those who have not lived through such experiences directly? Can all this contribute to the learning of new generations, especially of a historical matter? Films that are addressed relate to the civil wars in Spain and Guatemala for being part of a doctoral thesis that the author developes at the University of Alcalá, which is a comparative study on the matter.
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