Yugoslavia: Between the Progress and the Abyss. An Approach to the Memories of Yugoslavian Postwar through the Literature and Cinema of the ‘80


In this article we try to show the emergence of the dissidence in the Yugoslavian cultural world during the eighties and the consequences derived from this fact. Our main purpose is to deepen in the memoirs observable in literature and cinema and the chances that they offer for the reconstruction of some fundamental aspects of the period after 1945. This article start from the conviction that the analysis of culture through the historiographical toils can open an interesting way to understand the complexity present in history. Simply for this reason we don’t pretend to carry out a new global analysis of questions as the rise to power of communism but how the ordinary people lived and –more important– felt the fatal consequences of the Second World War and, as result, the communist’s rise to power. To achieve this we will analize what were the foundations for the reconstruction of the daily life during the postwar.
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Alegre Lorenz, D. (2012). Yugoslavia: Between the Progress and the Abyss. An Approach to the Memories of Yugoslavian Postwar through the Literature and Cinema of the ‘80. El Futuro Del Pasado, 3, 459–479. https://doi.org/10.14201/fdp.24730


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