«A Baptism of Fire»: Towards a Practical Hybrid Approach for the Lexicographic Indexation of Phraseological Units with Religious Lexical Components in English and Spanish
Abstract Traditionally, researchers have had a particular interest in the study of the relationship between phraseology and lexicography [e.g., Alonso Ramos (2006); Mellado Blanco (2008); Buendía Castro and Faber (2015); Paquot (2015); Nuccorini (2020)] to the point of having labeled it a «scientific marriage» (Leroyer 2006). In addition, scholars have been increasingly interested in the semantic analysis of phraseological units (henceforth PUs) [e.g., Gr?i? Simeunovi? and de Santiago (2016) and Torijano and Recio (2019)]. Among the problems that these and several other studies have pointed out, there is the recurrent reference to inaccuracy and difficulty in indexing PUs in lexicographic resources. Although some scholars consider onomasiological approaches as an interesting starting point [e.g., Bosque (2017) and Siepmann (2008)], a systematic methodology in phraseology that includes both the semantical analysis of the entries and their indexation is still needed. We intend to address that need here through the analysis of 242 idioms (199 in Spanish and 43 in English) extracted from a 21,045-idiom database that was compiled from two phraseological dictionaries: the Diccionario fraseológico documentado del español actual (henceforth DFDEA) (Seco, Andrés et al., 2004), and the Collins COBUILD Dictionary of Idioms (henceforth CCDOI) (Sinclair and Moon 1997). The criteria employed to select the resulting analysis units were: (i) they had to include at least one lexical component related to religion, and (ii) the idiom had to be nominal or verbal. The religious component was identified semi-automatically by using the UCREL’s Semantic Analysis System (USAS) (Archer et al., 2002). The contributions of this paper are as follows: (i) it presents a lexicographic analysis of the macrostructure and microstructure of the two phraseological resources previously mentioned, (ii) it offers a model of semantic analysis for PUs with religion-related components, (iii) it proposes an alternative indexation method of PUs in lexicographic resources involving semasiological and onomasiological approaches; and finally, (iv) it shows a systematic way to use semantic and pragmatic information in order to create semantic entries for PUs. In conclusion, by closely examining said set of phraseological entries, this study sheds light on the semantic composition of Pus. It also suggests a systematic hybrid approach for their lexicographic indexation in English and Spanish.
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Nuccorini, S. (2020). «Digging into a Thesaurus for Treasures: Phraseological Conceptual Maps in the Longman Language Activator». Contrastive Phraseology: Languages and Cultures in Comparison. P. Cotta Ramusino and F. Mollica. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 349-375.
Ortega Ojeda, G. and M. I. González Aguilar (2008). La técnica fraseográfica: el DRAE-2001 frente al DEA-1999. Colocaciones y fraseolgía en los diccionarios. C. Mellado. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang: 232-245.
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Rojas Díaz, J. L. (2020). «“From head to toe”: a lexical, semantic, and morphosyntactic study of idioms in phraseological dictionaries in English and Spanish». MonTI (Special issue 6), 287-326. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.6035/MonTI.2020.ne6.9
Rojas Díaz, J. L. and J. M. Pérez Sánchez (2019). «You Took the Word Out of My Mouth»: A Morphosyntactic and Semantic Analysis of a Phraseological Lexicon of Colombian Spanish. Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology - Third International Conference, Europhras 2019 Malaga, Spain, September 25–27, 2019 Proceedings. G. M. Corpas Pastor, Ruslan, Springer: 375-390.
Schmid, H. (1994). «Probabilistic Part-of-Speech Tagging Using Decision Trees». Proceedings of the International Conference on New Methods in Language Processing, Manchester.
Seco, M., O. Andrés and G. Ramos, Eds. (2004). Diccionario fraseológico documentado del español actual. Madrid, Aguilar.
Siepmann, D. (2008). «Phraseology in learners’ dictionaries: What, where and how?» Phraseology in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. F. G. Meunier, Sylviane. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company: 185-202.
Sinclair, J. and R. Moon, Eds. (1997). Collins COBUILD Dictionary of Idioms. Glasgow, HarperCollins publishers.
Summers, D., Ed. (1993). Longman language activator. Harlow, Longman.
Torijano, J. A. and M. Á. Recio (2019). «Translating Emotional Phraseology: A Case Study». Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology. R. Mitkov and G. Corpas Pastor, Springer: 391-403.
Veisbergs, A. (2020). «Phraseology in General Bilingual Dictionaries: Idioms as Equivalents of Single Words». Contrastive Phraseology: Languages and Culture in Comparison. P. Cotta Ramusino and F. Mollica. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 331-343.
Archer, D., A. Wilson and P. Rayson (2002). Introduction to the USAS category system.
Atkins, B. T. S. and M. Rundell (2008). The Oxford Guide to Practical Lexicography. New York, Oxford University Press.
Atkins, B. T. S. and K. Varantola (1998). «Language Learners». Using dictionaries: The Final Report on the EURALEX / AILA Research Project on Dictionary Use Using Dictionaries: Studies of Dictionary Use by Language Learners and Translators. B. T. S. Atkins. Tübingen, Max Niemayer Verlag.
Boers, F. and H. Stengers (2008). «A quantitative comparison of the English and Spanish repertoires of figurative idioms». Cognitive linguistic approaches to teaching vocabulary and phraseology F. Boers and S. Lindstromberg. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter: 355-373.
Bosque, I. (2017). «Posibilidades de un diccionario onomasiológico de modismos para estudiantes de ELE». La adquisición de la lengua española: aprendizaje, enseñanza, evaluación. Estudios en Homenaje a Marta Baralo Ottonello. M. C. Ainciburu and C. Fernández Silva. Buenos Aires, Autores de Argentina: 26-37.
Buendía Castro, M. and P. Faber (2015). «Phraseological units in English-Spanish legal dictionaries: a comparative study». Fachsprache (3-4): 161-175.
Burger, H. (1998). Phraseologie: Eine Einführung am Beispiel des Deutschen. Berlin, Schmidt.
Casares, J. (1950). Introducción a la lexicografía moderna. Madrid, CSIC.
Chafe, W. (1968). «Idiomaticity as an Anomaly in the Chomskyan Paradigm». Foundations of Language 4: 109-127.
Corpas Pastor, G. (1996). Manual de fraseología española. Madrid, Gredos.
Corpas Pastor, G. (2000). Acerca de la (in)traducibilidad de la fraseología. Las lenguas de Europa, estudios de fraseología, fraseografía y traducción. G. Corpas Pastor. Granada, Comares: 438-522.
Corripio, F., Ed. (2007). Diccionario de ideas afines. Barcelona, Herder.
Cruse, A. (2000). Meaning in language. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Deignan, A. (2005). Metaphor and Corpus Linguistics. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Deignan, A., A. Lima and E. Lopez Mora (1998). Metaphor, culture and the classroom. IATEFL 1998 Manchester Conference Selections. P. Grundy. Whistable, IATEFL.
Dobrovol'skij, D. and E. Piirainen (2005). Figurative Language: Cross-cultural and Cross-linguistic Perspectives. Amsterdam, Elsevier.
Fraile Vicente, E. (2008). «Sugerencias para mejorar el tratamiento de las expresiones idiomáticas en los diccionarios fraseológicos en inglés y español». TRANS Revista de traductología (12): 123-148.
García-Page, M. (2008). Introducción a la fraseología española. Barcelona, Anthropos.
González, M. I. (2006). La definición lexicográfica de las unidades fraseológicas: la aplicación de modelos formales. Diccionarios y fraseología. M. Alonso. La Coruña, Universidade da Coruña: 221-233.
Goosens, L. (1990). «Metaphtonymy: the Interaction of Metaphor and Metonymy in Expressions for Linguistic Action». Cognitive Linguistics 1: 323-340.
Gr?i? Simeunovi?, L. and P. de Santiago (2016). Semantic approach to Phraseological Patterns in Karstology. Proceedings of the XVII Euralex International Congress, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
Gries, S. (2008). Phraseology and linguistic theory: a brief survey. Phraseology: an interdisciplinary perspective. S. Granger and F. Meunier. Amsterdam, John Benjamins: 6.
Hartmann, R. R. K. and G. James (1998). Dictionary of Lexicography. New York, Routledge.
Kocjan?i?, P. (2004). «Acerca de la macroestructura y la microestructura en el diccionario bilingüe.» Verba Hispanica 12(1): 171-185.
Leroyer, P. (2006). «Dealing with phraseology in business dictionaries: focus on dictionary functions - not phrases». Linguistik online 27(2): 183-194.
McArthur, T. (1981). Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English. Harlow, Longman.
Mel’?uk, I. (2012). Phraseology in the language, in the dictionary, and in the computer. Yearbook of Phraseology. K. Kuiper. New York, De Gruyter Mouton. 3: 31-56.
Mellado Blanco, C., Ed. (2008). Colocaciones y fraseología en los diccionarios. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang.
Moon, R. (2008). «Sinclair, phraseology, and lexicography». International Journal of Lexicography 21(3): 243-254.
Nuccorini, S. (2020). «Digging into a Thesaurus for Treasures: Phraseological Conceptual Maps in the Longman Language Activator». Contrastive Phraseology: Languages and Cultures in Comparison. P. Cotta Ramusino and F. Mollica. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 349-375.
Ortega Ojeda, G. and M. I. González Aguilar (2008). La técnica fraseográfica: el DRAE-2001 frente al DEA-1999. Colocaciones y fraseolgía en los diccionarios. C. Mellado. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang: 232-245.
Paquot, M. (2015). Lexicography and Phraseology. The Cambridge Handbook of English Corpus Linguistics. D. Biber and R. Reppen. Cambridge, Cambridge University press: 460-477.
Porto Dapena, J.-Á. (2002). Manual de Técnica Lexicográfica. Madrid, Arco//Libros.
Rojas Díaz, J. L. (2020). «“From head to toe”: a lexical, semantic, and morphosyntactic study of idioms in phraseological dictionaries in English and Spanish». MonTI (Special issue 6), 287-326. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.6035/MonTI.2020.ne6.9
Rojas Díaz, J. L. and J. M. Pérez Sánchez (2019). «You Took the Word Out of My Mouth»: A Morphosyntactic and Semantic Analysis of a Phraseological Lexicon of Colombian Spanish. Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology - Third International Conference, Europhras 2019 Malaga, Spain, September 25–27, 2019 Proceedings. G. M. Corpas Pastor, Ruslan, Springer: 375-390.
Schmid, H. (1994). «Probabilistic Part-of-Speech Tagging Using Decision Trees». Proceedings of the International Conference on New Methods in Language Processing, Manchester.
Seco, M., O. Andrés and G. Ramos, Eds. (2004). Diccionario fraseológico documentado del español actual. Madrid, Aguilar.
Siepmann, D. (2008). «Phraseology in learners’ dictionaries: What, where and how?» Phraseology in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. F. G. Meunier, Sylviane. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company: 185-202.
Sinclair, J. and R. Moon, Eds. (1997). Collins COBUILD Dictionary of Idioms. Glasgow, HarperCollins publishers.
Summers, D., Ed. (1993). Longman language activator. Harlow, Longman.
Torijano, J. A. and M. Á. Recio (2019). «Translating Emotional Phraseology: A Case Study». Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology. R. Mitkov and G. Corpas Pastor, Springer: 391-403.
Veisbergs, A. (2020). «Phraseology in General Bilingual Dictionaries: Idioms as Equivalents of Single Words». Contrastive Phraseology: Languages and Culture in Comparison. P. Cotta Ramusino and F. Mollica. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 331-343.
Rojas Díaz, J. L., & Pérez Sánchez, J. M. (2021). «A Baptism of Fire»: Towards a Practical Hybrid Approach for the Lexicographic Indexation of Phraseological Units with Religious Lexical Components in English and Spanish. CLINA Revista Interdisciplinaria De Traducción Interpretación Y Comunicación Intercultural, 6(2), 95–117. https://doi.org/10.14201/clina20206295117
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