Czech Narrative Published in Spain after 1975: Presences and Absences
Abstract Attention is paid to the translation of Czech narrative – written in Czech – published in Spain after 1975, pointing out some significant absences. After the Prague Spring in 1969 and the restoration of democracy in Spain, numerous Czech pieces of writing were translated, more in particular those by well known Karel ?apek and by some contemporary exiled or dissident writers, such as Pavel Kohout, Zdena Salivarová, Ota Filip, Iva Procházková, Josef Škvorecký, Ivan Klíma o Daniela Hodrová. It is in the first half of the 80s that a real interest in Czech literature arises. In the field of poetry, that was due to Clara Janés’ fascination for Vladmir Holan and the award of the Nobel Prize in Literature to Jaroslav Seifert. In the field of prose, that was due Milan Kundera’s achievement of worldwide recognition. Although some other writers, such as Bohumil Hrabal or Ji?í Weil were also prominent, the latter was translated at a very late stage. Post-1989 Czech prose has been characterised by the proliferation of diaries and memories, by the production of postmodern fiction and historical novels, feminist pieces and by a number of attempts to recreate the recent past, all of which have been subjected to an uneven flux of translations.
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French, Alfred. 1982. Czech Writers and Politics, 1945-1969. Canberra: Australian National University Press.
Hermida de Blas, Alejandro. 1997. «Literatura checa». En Historia de las literaturas eslavas, ed. por Fernando Presa. Madrid: Cátedra, 245-370.
Hermida de Blas, Alejandro. 2003. «La difusión en España de las peoqueñas literaturas europeas: el caso checo y eslovaco». En Lenguas y culturas de los países de la Unión Europea, ed. por Fernando Presa. Madrid: GRAM, 155-163.
Hermida de Blas, Alejandro y Patricia Gonzalo de Jesús. 2007. «Translation of Czech and Slovac Literature in Spain: An Approach». En Iberian and Slavonic Cultures: Contact and Comparison, ed. por Beata El?bieta Cyeszy?ska. Lisboa: CompaRes, 185-204.
Hermida de Blas, Alejandro y Patricia Gonzalo de Jesús. 2009. «Literaturas checa y eslovaca». En Diccionario histórico de la traducción en España, ed. por Francisco Lafarga y Luis Pegenaute. Madrid: Gredos, 218-221.
Holý, Ji?í. 2008. Writers under Siege: Czech Literature since 1945. Brighton / Portland: Sussex Academic Press.
Porter, Robert. 2001. An Introduction to Twentieth-Century Czech Fiction: Comedies of Defiance. Brighton / Portland: Sussex Academic Press.
Schejbal, Jan y David Utrera. 2004. «Les traducciones en txec i eslovac d'obres literàries catalanes i viceversa». Quaderns: Revista de traducció 11: 45-57.
Vavroušová, Petra. 2016. «Censorship of Translated Literature under Franco's Dictatorship: Self-Censorship of Czech Literature». En Politics, Policy, and Power in Translation History, ed. por Lieven D'Hulst, Carol O'Sullivan y Michael Schreiber. Berlín: Frank & Timme, 135-156.
Woods, Michelle. 2001. «Original and Translation in the Czech Fiction of Milan Kundera», Translation and Literature 10 (2): 200-221.
Woods, Michelle. 2006. Translating Milan Kundera. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Zgustová, Monika. 2002. «Literatura checa en España. La bella extranjera». Nueva revista de política, cultura y arte 80: 78-83.
Pegenaute, L. (2019). Czech Narrative Published in Spain after 1975: Presences and Absences. CLINA Revista Interdisciplinaria De Traducción Interpretación Y Comunicación Intercultural, 5(2), 121–146.
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