The Terminology of Puerto Rican Gastronomy: Reflections on its Background and Representation


Our investigation looks into the background behind the terminology used in five Puerto Rican cookbooks, published in two key periods in Puerto Rico’s history: the fifties, a period characterized by political changes in the island, and the first decade of the 21st century. Based on a terminological analysis that takes into account different levels of context, including the cultural context, the culinary domain, the textual production, and the use of the terms in the corpus, we arrive at some/several conclusions regarding the conceptualization of the culinary domain in Puerto Rico. Finally, we propose a terminological database that considers the culture-specific aspects of this terminology. In order to illustrate the various levels of context and how they are incorporated in our research, as well as how the information is represented in the database, we describe how these levels of context influence the configuration and representation of the terms in the ingredient category identified as viandas.
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