The (translation of) history as narrative
Abstract The aim of this essay is to address the contemporary conception of translation and history as narratives of reality, influenced by the dominant Ideology and Power. As in the case of translation, in order to access the real history(ies) of the subalterns, first it is necessary to demystify the official History, drawn up by the official discourse of the ruling class. In this sense, particular attention should be paid to historiographic metafiction, since it is within the limits of historical discourse without relinquishing its autonomy as fiction, and has been utilized to reveal microhistories of the Other, subverting the official discourse. Furthermore, it has been employed especially by women for ideological purposes, as it has helped them to reveal feminine duplicity, among other aspects.
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Bassnett, Susan, y André Lefevere. 1998. Constructing Cultures: Essays on Literary Translation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
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De Certeau, Michel. [1986] 2010. Heterologies. Discourse on the Other. Traducción de B. Massumi. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Derrida, Jacques. [1972] 1977. Posiciones. Traducción de M. Arranz. Valencia: Pre-textos.
Echeverría, Bolívar. 2005. La mirada del ángel: en torno a las Tesis sobre la historia de Walter Benjamin. México: Ediciones ERA.
Ferguson, Russell et al. 1990. (eds.) Out There: Marginalization and Contemporary Cultures. Nueva York: The New Museum of Contemporary Art; Cambridge, Mass., The MIT Press.
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Foucault, Michel. [1971] 1992. "Nietzsche, la genealogía, la historia". Traducción de J. Varela y F. Álvarez-Uría. En Microfísica del poder. Madrid: La Piqueta.
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Gardiner, Juliet. 1988. (ed.) What Is History Today? Londres: Palgrave MacMillan.
Gass, William H. 1985. Habitations of the Word: Essays. Nueva York: Simon & Schuster.
Gossman, Lionel. 1978. "History and Literature. Reproduction or Signification". En The Writing of History. Literary Form and Historical Understanding, ed. por Canary, Robert H. y Kozicki, Henry. Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 3-40.
Hermans, Theo. 1985. (ed.) The Manipulation of Literature. Studies in Literary Translation. Londres: Croom Helm.
Hutcheon, Linda. 1988. A Poetics of Postmodernism. History, Theory, Fiction. Londres/Nueva York: Routledge.
Hutcheon, Linda. 1989. "Historiographic Metafiction Parody and the Intertextuality of History". En Intertextuality and Contemporary American Fiction, ed. por O'Donnell, Patrick y Davis, Robert Con. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 3-32.
Jenkins, Keith. [1991] 2003. Re-thinking History. Nueva York: Routledge.
Kantz, Frederick. 1988. (ed.) History from Below. Studies in Popular Protest and Popular Ideology. Oxford: Blackwell.
Lefevere, André. 1992. Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame. Londres/Nueva York: Routledge.
Lefevere, André y Bassnett, Susan. [1990] 1995. "Introduction: Proust's Grandmother and The Thousand and One Nights: The 'Cultural Turn' in Translation Studies". En Translation, History and Culture, ed. por Lefevere, André y Bassnett, Susan. Londres/Nueva York: Pinter Publishers.
Leitch, Vincent B. 1983. Deconstructive Criticism: An Advanced Introduction. Nueva York: Columbia University Press.
Morley, Neville. 1999. Writing Ancient History. Londres: Duckworth.
Munday, Jeremy. 2014. "Using Primary Sources to Produce a Microhistory of Translation and Translators: Theoretical and Methodological Concerns". The Translator 20 (1).
Munslow, Alun. 2013. Authoring the Past: Writing and Rethinking History. Londres: Routledge.
Riffaterre, Michael. 1984. "Intertextual Representation: On Mimesis as Interpretive Discourse". Critical Inquiry 11 (1): 141-162.
Said, Edward W. 1983. The World, the Text, and the Critic. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Said, Edward W. 1986. After the Last Sky: Palestinian Lives. Nueva York: Pantheon.
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. [1993] 1996. "Bonding in Difference. Interview with Alfred Arteaga". En The Spivak Reader, ed. por Landry, Donna y MacLean, Gerald. Londres/Nueva York: Routledge.
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. 1994. "Can the Subaltern Speak?". En Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader, ed. por Williams, Patrick y Chrisman, Laura. Nueva York: Columbia University Press.
Stone, Lawrence. 1979. "The Revival of Narrative: Reflections on a New Old History". Past and Present 85: 3-24.
Suárez, Luis. 2011. "Franco Bahamonde, Francisco". En Diccionario Biográfico Español, Vol. XX. Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia.
Tanner, Tony. 1971. City of Words: American Fiction 1950-1970. Nueva York: Harper & Row.
Thiher, Allen. 1984. Words in Reflection: Modern Language Theory and Postmodern Fiction. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Thompson, Edward Palmer. 1966. "History from Below". The Times Literary Supplement, 7 de abril: 279-280.
Tymoczko, Maria. 2003. "Ideology and the Position of the Translator: In what Sense is a Translator 'In-between'?". En Apropos of Ideology. Translation Studies on Ideology-Ideologies in Translation Studies, ed. por Calzada-Pérez, María. Manchester: St. Jerome.
Tymoczko, Maria y Gentzler, Edwin. 2002. (eds.) Translation and Power. Amherst y Boston: University of Massachussetts Press.
Vidal, Mª Carmen África. 2013. "The Historian as Translator: Applying Pierre Bourdieu to the Translation of History". En Remapping Habitus in Translation Studies, ed. por Vorderobermeier, Gisella M. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 201-216.
Vidal, Mª Carmen África. 2017. "Power". En Routledge Handbook of Translation and Culture, ed. por Carbonell, Ovidi y Harding, Sue-Ann. Londres/Nueva York: Routledge.
Vidal, Mª Carmen África. (en prensa). La traducción y la(s) historia(s).
Von Ranke, Leopold. [1824] 2012. Geschichten der romanischen und germanischen Völker von 1494 bis 1514. Paderborn: Salzwasser Verlag.
White, Hayden. 1978. "The Historical Text as Literary Artifact". En The Writing of History, ed. por Canary, Robert H. y Kozicki, Henry. Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press.
White, Hayden. 1987. The Content of the Form. Narrative Discourse and Historical Representation. Baltimore/Londres: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Cerrato Rodríguez, B. (2017). The (translation of) history as narrative. CLINA Revista Interdisciplinaria De Traducción Interpretación Y Comunicación Intercultural, 3(1), 77–95.
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