Translating into Spanish the Linguistic Varieties of Japanese Language: Three Cases from the Novel Kisetsu no nai machi by Yamamoto Shūgorō
Abstract In the midst of a growing demand for Japanese works translated into Spanish and the absence of a comprehensive theory of translation from Japanese into Spanish, this article aims to address the question of the constant challenge of translating the different linguistic varieties of Japanese. The novel that will serve as an example for this purpose will be Kisetsu no nai machi, published in 1964 by the well-known historical fiction writer Yamamoto Shūgorō. Based on the translation of three cases of diaphasic (the inebriated speech), diastratic (yamanotekotoba) and diatopic (a feigned dialect of Miyagi) varieties present in this work, a cross-linguistic analysis will be carried out to establish a theoretical-practical basis centered on the interactions between text and context in order to achieve through different dynamic strategies an equivalence of meaning in accordance with the author's intention of the literary work.
- Referencias
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VV. AA. (2019). 生活を伝える方言会話: 宮城県気仙沼市・名取市方言 [Conversación dialectal para transmitir la vida: dialectos de las ciudades de Kesennuma y de Natori, prefectura de Miyagi]. Hitsuji shobō.
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