Some issues about (self)translation: Xosé María Díaz Castro, a poet among languages


Galician Literature Day 2014 was dedicated to the work of Xosé María Díaz Castro. This led to the publishing of work that had been partially unpublished or lost in dispersion of specific outputs, as it happened, among other materials, to his translations. On the one hand, we are witnessing not only the translation of his poetry into other languages of the Spanish literary system, but also the experience of his (self)translation to Spanish and Galician of authors of the European tradition close to his poetic leanings, like Rilke and Lamartine. However, his work as translator also resulted in the translation of Galician and Spanish authors into French, English and German. This shows the versatility of Díaz Castro in linking the Galician and Iberian context to the European framework, allowing for a deeper interliterary network that shapes his poetry and showing how (self)translation redefines his literature in the cultural geography of Europe.
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Paone, M. (2016). Some issues about (self)translation: Xosé María Díaz Castro, a poet among languages. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 6, 91–105. Retrieved from


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