The Rejection of Marriage in The Queen of Darkness by Grazia Deledda

  • María José Ruiz León
    Universidad de Sevilla


Some of the stories in the anthology The Queen of Darkness by Grazia Deledda, published in 1903 and translated into Spanish in 2020, feature women who, for various reasons, reject marriage. Following Elaine Showalter’s theoretical assumptions, we will examine the images and stereotypes of women in three of the stories in this work: «The Queen of Darkness», «Sarra» and «First Kisses», with the aim of tracing common features and analysing the matriarchal archetypes that underlie the construction of their protagonists who deviate from the natural destiny of normative femininity and channel their lives through the sacred femininity of which they are the bearers.
  • Referencias
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  • Métricas
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