Life Training: Margaret and Modesta, Heroines of a New Femininity

  • Università degli Studi di Foggia


This paper aims to offer a small contribution within the European panorama of studies concerning gender literature; specifically, the essay presents the comparison between two heroines of English literature on one side and Italian on the other, heroines belonging to different eras (nineteenth and twentieth centuries), born from the pen of two authors recently subject of interest by critics; Elizabeth Gaskell and Goliarda Sapienza. With a view to a new and modern conception of femininity, Margaret and Modesta are then able to crack the values of the patriarchal society in which they both live, in order to free themselves from the chains of prejudice par excellence linked to the role of women.
  • Referencias
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  • Métricas
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Aurora Gaia. (2022). Life Training: Margaret and Modesta, Heroines of a New Femininity. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 15, 23–27. Retrieved from


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