Girolamo Camerata and Querelle des Femmes in Italian Renaissance


This article aims to analyse, in the context of the querelle des femmes, the only book written by Girolamo Camerata, entitled Trattato dell’honor vero, et del vero dishonore, published in Bologna, in 1567. This book, and especially the treatise «Qual meriti più honore […] o’ la donna, o’ l’huomo» which still has not attracted much scholarly interest, allows us to trace the rhetoric and typical arguments in the defence of female and male honour within the historical and literary context of the Italian 16th century. This article, with a close reading of the text and with an interdisciplinary approach (historical-cultural and literary), propose the re-actualisation of this text and its author, with the aim of contributing to Italian history and to the gender and women history, understood as the history of relations between women and men, adding a still marginalized male voice that with his only work contributed to the querelle des femmes.
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