The Matter of the Italian Historical Novel and the Historical-Literary Characters in the Cento Anni by Giuseppe Rovani


In the 18th century, Italy did not follow European literary trends and did not excel in publishing novels. From the nineteenth century onwards, on the other hand, there was the publishing phenomenon of the subgenre of the historical novel that led Italian intellectuals, Manzoni for the first time, to abandon the Aristotelian canon to give a more important role to history within the novel. Following Manzoni’s example was structured Cento Anni by Giuseppe Rovani, the last historical novel of the nineteenth century, in which recent history takes on a new value, especially through the use of the life and works of historical-literary personalities, who become characters in every aspect.
  • Referencias
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Portinari, F. 2008. Introduzione. In: Rovani, G. 2008. Torino: Giulio Einaudi Editore.

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Cocuzza, G. (2019). The Matter of the Italian Historical Novel and the Historical-Literary Characters in the Cento Anni by Giuseppe Rovani. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 13(1), 23–35. Retrieved from


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