Pirandellian Humor in Tozzi


Pirandello’s influence on contemporary authors is unmeasurable. The purpose of this article is to carry out an analysis on a series of Tozzi’s works which are based and inspired on Pirandello’s world. Tozzi’s works are similar to Pirandello’s inspiration and reveal imitations, reminiscences, heritage and traces of his art. On the one hand, in Tozzi’s works, Pirandello’s shadow moves quickly, sometimes visible and others invisible. On the other hand, Pirandello’s ghost acts like if it constantly distributes a wide range of identity masks. It is considered how Pirandello and Tozzi rewrite a large variety of literary canons of different periods, more or less with the same disposition. However, while Tozzi’s texts are continuously quoted, the titles of Pirandello’s works are just mentioned, due to the fact that entire quotations might have resulted excessive, burdened the critical discourse, as well as bored even the expert reader. It is a range of elements, components and topics that have been ignored or not enough analyzed by critics when it comes to comparing Pirandello’s and Tozzi’s works. 
  • Referencias
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  • Métricas
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Zangrilli, F. (2018). Pirandellian Humor in Tozzi. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 12, 131–154. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/dos/index.php/1576-7787/article/view/20500


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