Umberto Eco and Metaphor as a Cognitive Instrument


In various essays Eco has analyzed the production and the interpretation of metaphor, from a theoretical as well as from a historical point of view. According to Eco, the metaphor is a cognitive instrument, which pushes the reader to revise and to reorganize his/her knowledge and ideas about the world. In the context of unlimited semiosis, the metaphor has the role of «interpretant». Eco stresses the importance of the «open metaphor». It depends on the «openness» of the metaphor if the reader is permitted to travel along the paths of semiosis, enriching his/her encyclopedic competence. 
  • Referencias
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Borges, J. L. 1984-1985. «El Golem». In: Tutte le opere, vol. II. Milano: Mondadori.

Bouchard, N. 2017. «Umberto Eco’s Semiotic Imagery». In: Beardsworth, S. C. e Auxier, R. E. (a cura di). The Philosophy of Umberto Eco, The Library of Living Philosophers XXXV. Chicago Illinois: Open Court.

Eco, U. 1980. Il nome della rosa. Milano: Bompiani.

– 1983. Postille a «Il nome della rosa». Milano: Bompiani.

– 1984. Semiotica e filosofia del linguaggio. Torino: Einaudi.

– 1988. Il Pendolo di Foucault. Milano: Bompiani.

– 1990. I limiti dell’interpretazione. Milano: Bompiani.

– 1994. L’isola del giorno prima. Milano: Bompiani.

– 1997. Kant e l’ornitorinco. Milano: Bompiani.

– 2007. Dall’albero al labirinto. Milano: Bompiani.

Trainito, M. 2011. Umberto Eco: Odissea nella biblioteca di Babele. Saonara (Pd): Il Prato.
Musarra-SchrØder, U. (2018). Umberto Eco and Metaphor as a Cognitive Instrument. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 12, 121–129. Retrieved from


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