A «Oltre l’Oceano» Humanistic Bridge: Italian Immigration in Argentina through the Eyes of Italian Traveler Writers


Italy has played a role all through the centuries thanks to the spirit of its inhabi- tants and its insuperable geographic location. It was the bridge between the two arcane entities of the Mediterranean and then between the Mare Nostrum and the West. Always harmonizing the classical Hellenic past with the modernist pragmatism. Having Italy been a country of migrants the last part of the 20th century, I have been feeling personally interpellated for about three decades by the study of the incidence of its migrations to the «Río de la Plata» and the Argentine «Pampa Gringa», where everything Italian has left a mark of positive identity value. This paper presents queries about that humanist matrix that the Italians brought along with themselves and which disseminated to where they settled. And, in particular, queries about the way in which it was the confirmed by the Italian traveler writers who reflected in in their writings.
  • Referencias
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Crolla, A. (2018). A «Oltre l’Oceano» Humanistic Bridge: Italian Immigration in Argentina through the Eyes of Italian Traveler Writers. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 12, 29–38. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/dos/index.php/1576-7787/article/view/20491


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