Humanist, all too Humanist: Katabasis into Pasolini’s «Pigsty» so as to Think about the Concept of Humanism


After a basic reflection on the meanings of humanism, this article presents a sort of katabasis, hand in hand with the philosopher Spinoza, into the intricacies of the pièce Porcile, aiming to define Pasolini’s pigsty as a sacred place and also to prove that precisely within the humanist forma mentis resides the germ that has led to the paradoxical self-destruction of all its values in contemporary society. This seed is the bourgeois rationalism, mold of our dehumanizing technological present. 
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Bianch, M. (2018). Humanist, all too Humanist: Katabasis into Pasolini’s «Pigsty» so as to Think about the Concept of Humanism. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 12, 17–27. Retrieved from


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