Un écouteur de silences. Different types of listening in L’albero di stanze by Giuseppe Lupo


From the deep analysis of six drafts and two typeset proofs of L’albero di stanze by Giuseppe Lupo, the present article uncovers the central role played in the novel by the binomial deafness-listening. The inclination of focusing on what is not voiced is crucial, not only for the shaping of the narrator as «écouteur de silence» but also for the gradual development of its verbal expression. A voice that favours restraint and asks the reader to constantly focus on the not voiced.
  • Referencias
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Cazalé Bèrard, Claude. 2015. Giuseppe Lupo, L’albero di stanze. Venezia: Marsilio. «Testo&Senso», 17, 2016.

Levi, Carlo. 1956. Le parole sono pietre. Tre giornate in Sicilia. Torino: Einaudi.

Lupo, Giuseppe. 2015. L’Albero di stanze. Venezia: Marsilio.

Russo, Biagio. 2017. «La Lupania di Giuseppe Lupo, ovvero un’idea di letteratura dell’immaginario». Cenobio, XLVI, 1, gennaio-marzo 2017, pp. 35-36.
Ponti, P. (2017). Un écouteur de silences. Different types of listening in L’albero di stanze by Giuseppe Lupo. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 11, 187–203. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/dos/index.php/1576-7787/article/view/18430


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