Ideological contrast among Italian intellectuals in connection with Spanish Civil War. First news of the putsch in the press


This article was created with the intention of analyzing the ideological war within the Spanish Civil War through the documents of the two sides, and thus showing how the different doctrines can get to build very different historical realities.Therefore, the story turned into an instrument of ideological propaganda, in which facts tend to be disguised, as can be seen in the two subjects for study: the causes of the Spanish conflict and the reasons for the Italian intervention.
  • Referencias
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Marqués Salgado, A. J. (2013). Ideological contrast among Italian intellectuals in connection with Spanish Civil War. First news of the putsch in the press. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 9, 229–236. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Antonio Javier Marqués Salgado

Universidad de Oviedo
Filología Clásica y Románica. Universidad de Oviedo. Campus de El Milán Edificio Departamental 1ª Planta C/ Teniente. Alfonso Martínez s/n 33011 Oviedo, España