Giacomo Leopardi and the Maltese literature. The perfect meeting with Karmenu Vassallo


The need for dialogue with a congenial person and the irrepressible need to find in a favorite figure the appropriate synthetic for the man-poet led the Maltese poet Vassallo to see in Leopardi not only the great poet worthy of admiration as an artist, but specially the «historical» character that puts into practice the indissoluble unity between the man who suffers and the writer.
  • Referencias
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  • Métricas
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VASSALLO, K. 1938. Kelmtejn qabel, Nirien. Malta: G. Muscat.

VASSALLO, K. 1944. Biex niftiehmu minn qabel, Kwiekeb ta’ qalbi. Malta: G. Muscat.

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Friggieri, O. (2013). Giacomo Leopardi and the Maltese literature. The perfect meeting with Karmenu Vassallo. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 9, 181–210. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Oliver Friggieri

Universidad de Malta
Faculty of Arts. Room 249. Old Humanities Building (OH). - University of Malta