Machiavelli in Flanders. The «Florentine’s Art of War» and the «Weapons of Spain»


The influence of the Italian political scientist Niccòlo Machiavelli in Spanish Modern Age is beyond doubt. More unknown is the actual weight that could reach his treaty on The art of war in the evolution of the military events in North Europe. This text aims to clarify the extent of that influence. Even though at first, during the Government of the Duke of Alba, was a positive influence, with time the Hispanic providential speech turned decisively against the Florentine’s thesis, and at the end the «weapons of Spain» became weapons governed not by a «reason of state», but by a «reason of religion», that obviously caused its last «decline».
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Rodríguez De La Flor, F. (2013). Machiavelli in Flanders. The «Florentine’s Art of War» and the «Weapons of Spain». Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 9, 159–177. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Fernando Rodríguez De La Flor

Universidad de Salamanca
Facultad Filología. Depto. Lite Española e Hispanoamericana. Plaza de Anaya, s/n. 37008 Salamanca. España.