Machiavelli in contemporary science policy: basis and limitations of an intelectual recognition


Almost five hundred years after his death, Machiavelli’s work still exerts a strong influence on the analysis of political phenomena and the development of political theory. This article examines the reasons and limitations of the continuing power of Machiavelli’s discourse in two specific fields of contemporary political science: comparative politics, and political theory. Our analysis explores also, from a contemporary perspective, the methodological and ontological value of Machiavelli’s contribution to the study of politics.
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Llamazares Valduvieco, I. (2013). Machiavelli in contemporary science policy: basis and limitations of an intelectual recognition. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 9, 115–125. Retrieved from


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Iván Llamazares Valduvieco

Universidad de Salamanca
Derecho Público General. Facultad de Derecho P/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, s/n - Campus Miguel de Unamuno - 37007- Salamanca (España)