Machiavelli: passion for politics and policy of the passions


Beyond prejudices of any kind, we can choose what we need of Machiavelli’s political thinking, for example the defence of the autonomy of politics and the rights of all citizens. Also, the attention paid to passion —the perennial human matter—, force that must be mouldedby politics and educated by the social organization in order to obtain the republican liberty.
  • Referencias
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MAQUIAVELO, Nicolás. 1987. Discursos sobre la primera década de Tito Livio. Trad. A. Martínez Arancón. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

MAQUIAVELO, Nicolás. 1992. El Príncipe. Trad. M. G. Granada. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

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Espinosa Rubio, L. (2013). Machiavelli: passion for politics and policy of the passions. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 9, 43–52. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Luciano Espinosa Rubio

Universidad de Salamanca
Profesor Titular UniversidadFacultad de Filosofía. Departamento de Filosofía, Lógica y Estética. Área de conocimiento: FilosofíaFacultad de Filosofía - “Campus Miguel de Unamuno” - Edificio F.E.S. - 37007 Salamanca Tel: 923 29 46 42 - Fax: 923 29 46 44